Writing Center - Virginia Military Institute

Writing Center

The Writing Center offers both in-person and online services. Details and Hours ➡

The Writing Center works to improve cadet writing, at any level and in any discipline.  Professional and peer writing consultants work with cadets in one-on-one conferences on every aspect of the writing process, from planning a paper to polishing the final draft.

While adhering to the Honor Code and Work-for-Grade policy, the Writing Center helps cadets develop the skills necessary to edit and proofread their own writing.

Consultants can help:

  • Conquer writer's block
  • Brainstorm and choose a topic
  • Develop outlines
  • Narrow topics and formulate a thesis
  • Incorporate sources effectively
  • Acknowledge sources properly
  • Develop strategies for revision, editing, and proofreading
  • Plan a schedule for completing longer writing projects