Assessment Resources

Part of our objective is to provide our community with the resources they need to inform their assessment practices. Below there are several references to information and resources that may be useful to you in your assessment practices.


Each semester our office offers several virtual training sessions on various topics related to assessment, evaluation, Qualtrics, and Excel. Below are the trainings with details about the sessions and link to register being offered in the Spring 2025 semester:


Session Description Date Time Link to Sign Up
Translating Assessment Results into Action The purpose of this session is to share recommendations, tips and tricks, and common practices for translating assessment findings into continuous improvement actions. Some topics covered in this session include the fundamentals of assessment, steps to identify actions, and considerations for choosing actions. This session is open to everyone.  4/02/2025 12 p.m. Register

*Registration closes at 1700hours the week before the session is offered.

**All session will be virtual.



External Resources

There are many organizations and institutions that provide articles, resources, and templates that you can use for assessment-related activities. These materials are available by topic or in sequence with trainings, workshops, and webinars.

Questions? If you have any questions or would like to meet to discuss your assessment practices, please contact MAJ Daniel Marshall at