2024 Virginia Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Regional Conference
April 13, 2024
Virginia Military Institute
Lexington, VA

The History Departments at the Virginia Military Institute and Southern Virginia University will co-host the 2024 Phi Alpha Theta State Regional Conference on April 13, 2024. The conference will take place at the Center for Leadership and Ethics on the VMI campus in Lexington, Virginia.
Registration Deadline March 29, 2024
Keynote Speaker: Jim Ambuske
Jim Ambuske is a Historian and Senior Producer at R2 Studios. A historian of the American Revolution, Scotland, and the British Atlantic World, he received his Ph.D. in history from the University of Virginia in 2016. He is the author and co-author of several publications on the American Revolution, transatlantic legal history, and King George III, including “The law of loyalism: The Campbell family, the court of session, and the price of loyalty in the revolutionary Atlantic world” (Atlantic Studies, 2023), and with Randall Flaherty, “Reading Law in the Early Republic: Legal Education in the Age of Jefferson” in The Founding of Mr. Jefferson’s University (2019). He is currently at work on a book entitled, The Fury of Emigration: Scotland, The American Revolution, and the Fate of Empire.
At R2 Studios, Ambuske is the creator, writer, and narrator of Worlds Turned Upside Down, a narrative podcast about the history of the American Revolution. He also serves as executive producer of The Green Tunnel podcast, a series about the history of the Appalachian Trail, and Your Most Obedient & Humble Servant, a series about 18th and 19th century women and the letters they wrote. Before joining R2 Studios, Ambuske led the Center for Digital History at the Washington Library at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Dr. David Cox at david.cox@svu.edu.
We look forward to seeing you in Lexington in April!