This will create a permanent removal of parking spaces along either side of Main Street (Route 11) in front of VMI facilities from Massie Street to Hook Lane (the Aquatic Center to Cormack Hall).
Cadets at VMI are able to present their research each year at the Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS).
The 2025 URS will take place March 31 in Marshall Hall. The following cadets will be part of the event. Their abstracts are available to view and we encourage all interested parties to attend this important event.
Developing an Automation Tool to Address a Logistical Problem
This project introduces a semi-automated tool designed to streamline the assignment process for 4-H camp activities. The tool aims to improve efficiency by collecting camper preferences for various classes and assigning them to available activities based on these preferences while accounting for logistical constraints, such as activity capacity and age requirements. ...
Huang, Hai-Hsin
Developing an Automation Tool to Address a Logistical Problem
This project introduces a semi-automated tool designed to streamline the assignment process for 4-H camp activities. The tool aims to improve efficiency by collecting camper preferences for various classes and assigning them to available activities based on these preferences while accounting for logistical constraints, such as activity capacity and age requirements. Traditionally, the assignment process required extensive manual effort, often taking several hours to complete. Through the application of operations research techniques, we developed a model that significantly reduces this assignment time from hours to mere minutes, thereby optimizing resource allocation and enhancing operational efficiency.
While the current tool is not fully automated, the combination of AMPL and Python achieves a high level of efficiency and accessibility. This semi-automated approach represents a scalable solution that can be adapted for future 4-H camps and similar organizations with resource allocation challenges. By reducing the time and effort required for camper assignments, this tool not only increases operational efficiency but also contributes to a more seamless and enjoyable experience for campers and staff alike.
The purpose of this capstone project was to learn about quantum computing and get hands-on experience on a specific device. In addition, we learned about nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and some of its applications....
Armstrong, Jason and Burgos, Jaydon
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Quantum Computers
The purpose of this capstone project was to learn about quantum computing and get hands-on experience on a specific device. In addition, we learned about nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and some of its applications. One of the applications that was to be studied in depth was the NMR-based quantum computer. Nuclear magnetic resonance (or NMR) is based on the interaction of magnetic moments of nuclei with the applied surrounding magnetic fields. NMR is also associated with the nuclear spin of atomic particles. The nuclear spin of such particles initially has fixed and discrete values which can be altered and detected with the use of a relatively powerful magnetic field. The NMR-based quantum computer used for further education on quantum computing was the SpinQ GEMINI MINI Portable Quantum Computer, a two-qubit quantum computer. Built into the quantum computer were several lectures which informed us further on the differences between quantum computing and classical computing which include processing power and nature. We present our learning experience from the NMR-based quantum computer capstone project.
Atienza, Matthew, Coady, Mary Greene, and Driscoll, Matthew
Cadets in ERH Fieldwork: Expeditionary Teaching and Learning in the Schools will present their experiences mentoring and leading inquiry-based lessons with Rockbridge County and Lexington city students. ...
Atienza, Matthew, Coady, Mary Greene, and Driscoll, Matthew
Expeditions in Fieldwork: Learning in the Schools
Cadets in ERH Fieldwork: Expeditionary Teaching and Learning in the Schools will present their experiences mentoring and leading inquiry-based lessons with Rockbridge County and Lexington city students. Using immersive and higher order thinking models that support hands on learning, and guided thinking, they’ll each share their approaches for supporting student study of art and poetry in the European and Harlem Renaissances. ERHS’ core course in Fieldwork fosters an ethics of community-based practice and service, providing real-world opportunities to learn by doing while working with community constituents and contexts.
The Pennsylvania Long Rifle; Its Origins and Effects on the American Revolution
This project was based on the Pennsylvania long rifle, its technology, origins, and how the weapon was able to effectively change the tactics used by the colonials to ensure victory over the British in the American War for Independence. ...
Benton, Nathan
The Pennsylvania Long Rifle; Its Origins and Effects on the American Revolution
This project was based on the Pennsylvania long rifle, its technology, origins, and how the weapon was able to effectively change the tactics used by the colonials to ensure victory over the British in the American War for Independence. The long rifle has a long and storied past from the origins of the United States, the rifle was invented in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. It takes an experienced gunsmith roughly 400 work hours to complete a rifle Throughout the course of the American Revolution, there was one leader that stood out in particular for the rifles. That being Colonel Daniel Morgan. A Virginia native, Morgan was a frontiersman who was able to raise a regiment of riflemen to fight. The long rifle would inspire a change in tactics for the Americans allowing for the development of reconnaissance units and scout snipers.
Over the course of the SURI, capabilities of over 200 airfields that the Air Force’s Combat Logistics Branch may leverage for contingency operations in the Pacific region were analyzed....
Bierstine, Benjamin
Airfield Combat Logistics
Over the course of the SURI, capabilities of over 200 airfields that the Air Force’s Combat Logistics Branch may leverage for contingency operations in the Pacific region were analyzed. Drawing on data slices from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency’s ACES 2.0 Automated Airfield Intelligence File (AAFIF), this analysis focused on runway length, runway width, runway load classification number (LCN), and fuel storage capacities as key determinants in operational readiness. After converting multiple years of raw runway data into refined summary tables, MATLAB routines were developed to generate descriptive histograms, plot global base distributions, and fit both linear and logarithmic models projecting future trends.
These analyses indicated that while the total number of bases remained constant at 214 throughout the dataset, the number of capable bases grew from 149 in 2003 to 175 in 2024. Runway capability progressed even faster, rising from 181 to 214, driven primarily by upgrades in runway length, often surpassing the baseline 7,000-foot requirement. Additionally, Geographic visualizations revealed significant concentrations of development in the Philippines, Thailand, Australia, and Japan. With Japan holding the most capable bases overall, whereas Australia demonstrates the highest rate of growth. Projections for 2030 and 2040, derived from regression analyses, suggest a continued upward trajectory in both base and runway capability, though the pace of improvement may slow as the data approaches natural limits. Most base upgrades involved modest extensions beyond 7,000 feet and increased reliance on higher load classification numbers. Ultimately, these findings underscore the central role that runway improvements and fuel capacity play in strategic preparedness. This approach can better inform decisions on resource allocation and highlight critical areas for infrastructure investment to ensure the Air Force remains ready to operate effectively in future contingency scenarios.
I will present the chemistry research I conducted over the summer at the Army Research Lab, where I aimed to synthesize iridium-based compounds that served as reverse saturable absorption (RSA) agents. ...
Bowles, Drury
Photophysical Properties of [Ir(tb-btb)(ppy)Cl]
I will present the chemistry research I conducted over the summer at the Army Research Lab, where I aimed to synthesize iridium-based compounds that served as reverse saturable absorption (RSA) agents. RSA agents are light-absorbing molecules, and scientists are interested in them because their light-absorbing properties can be changed when their structures are modified. Through photophysical characterization, I determined that [Ir(tb-btb)(ppy)Cl] was a successful RSA agent besides its short lifetime.
About 9,000 children a year are born with an audio impairment. Intervention before the age of six months old has a strong correlation with better educational outcomes for the child, but only approximately 50% of parents pursue getting treatment for their child. ...
Bowyer, Cole
Audiogram Emulator
About 9,000 children a year are born with an audio impairment. Intervention before the age of six months old has a strong correlation with better educational outcomes for the child, but only approximately 50% of parents pursue getting treatment for their child. This could be caused by not understanding an audiogram, the parent not wanting to label their child, or a parent recognizing a child can hear a noise but not understand the issue. Unfortunately, until now there is no tool that allows parents to experience the world that their child hears. I have created such a tool: an audiology simulation program. I used open-source frequency-sampling filter design software, developed by Binh Tran, and embed it within a graphical user interface. I also worked with an audiologist to get feedback on how to make it more useful to parents and audiologists. This program is a free, downloadable, single file executable that will run on any modern Windows computer. I used MATLAB to prototype the program and then created the executable program in Visual Studio using C#. The program was refined though iteration with audiology experts and received news coverage.
Exploring Natural Adaptations: Neurobiological Comparison Between Rural and Urban Wild Rat Populations of Rattus norvegicus
This study aims to contribute to the potential differences the environment can have on rat brains by examining wild rural, wild urban, and laboratory rats. Rural rats were collected in the wild and the brains were extracted for analysis. ...
Boynewicz, James
Exploring Natural Adaptations: Neurobiological Comparison Between Rural and Urban Wild Rat Populations of Rattus norvegicus
The laboratory rat has been the model organism for science; however, these highly regulated habitats beg the question of whether the environment will affect their brains. Some studies have looked at brain differences between wild Rattus norvegicus rats and their laboratory counterparts and found interesting differences. This study aims to contribute to the potential differences the environment can have on rat brains by examining wild rural, wild urban, and laboratory rats. Rural rats were collected in the wild and the brains were extracted for analysis. The brains were sectioned to acquire the two desired areas: the hippocampus and the basolateral amygdala (BLA). The use of immunohistochemistry and DAB staining techniques enabled visualization of the two antigens of interest: glucocorticoid receptors (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptors (MR). Images for the GR stain were taken in the CA1, CA2, and CA3 regions of the hippocampus, as well as the BLA and cell counts were recorded. Images of the MR stain were taken in multiple sites but only the cell counts from the CA2 region were recorded. The results indicated the wild rural rats had significantly higher levels of GR than wild urban and laboratory rats. However, there was no significant difference between the levels of MR in the CA2 region for the three environmental groups. The ratio of MR/GR for the CA2 was significantly lower for the wild rural rats compared to the urban and lab rats. The higher levels of GR could possibly indicate an increased ability of stress appraisal or a mechanism of limiting chronic stressors. Future research can increase the knowledge of this topic by reexamining these variables or analyzing other brain areas and stains.
The Relationship Between Pathological Parenting and Hypomania: An Analysis of Emotional Repression
This study was conducted to assess psychological factors that contribute to hypomanic tendencies when studying the parent-child relationship (as hypothesized by Alex Caldwell), analyze emotional repression found in the sample, and determine the beneficially of projective testing in a modern setting....
Brown, Parker
The Relationship Between Pathological Parenting and Hypomania: An Analysis of Emotional Repression
This study was conducted to assess psychological factors that contribute to hypomanic tendencies when studying the parent-child relationship (as hypothesized by Alex Caldwell), analyze emotional repression found in the sample, and determine the beneficially of projective testing in a modern setting. Data was collected from an adult sample ranging from 18 to 64 (n = 60). Participants were administered Crisi Wartegg Drawing Completion Test (Wartegg, 1953), newly developed version of original Word Association Test (Jung, 1910), Personality Adjective Check List (Strack, 1990), MMPI-2 hypomania scale (Scale 9), and demographic survey. RESULTS: 28% of participants reported growing up in a non-intact childhood household (n = 17), and results indicate a significant difference in DCT scores based on whether participants lived in an intact childhood household, t(58) = -2.20, p = .016. Results indicate a significant positive correlation between MWAT scores and Mother PI scores, r(58) = .385, p = .002. Results indicate a significant positive correlation between MWAT scores and FWAT scores, r(58) = .274, p = .034. Results report an average of 72% negative box 4 scores (n = 43), 25% negative box 2 scores (n = 15), with the general population average being 37% and 20%, (Crisi, 2018). CONCLUSIONS: Caldwell’s theory was not supported. High levels of unhealthy father-child relationships and emotional repression were reported in the sample. Results indicate a link between MWAT items and trends in pathological parenting.
Purification and Sequencing of E. coli Ferritin (Wildtype and Mutated)
This study aims to express, purify, and characterize wild-type and mutant E. coli ferritin to determine how site-directed mutations within the C3-C4 iron transport channel influence oxidation kinetics, iron storage efficiency, and overall protein stability....
Cameron, Emma
Purification and Sequencing of E. coli Ferritin (Wildtype and Mutated)
This study aims to express, purify, and characterize wild-type and mutant E. coli ferritin to determine how site-directed mutations within the C3-C4 iron transport channel influence oxidation kinetics, iron storage efficiency, and overall protein stability. The hypothesis is that these mutations will impair catalytic efficiency, leading to slower oxidation rates and reduced iron-binding capacity compared to the wild-type protein. To test this, a combination of protein purification, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and Prussian Blue staining assays will be employed to evaluate structural integrity and functional alterations.
By elucidating the biochemical consequences of these mutations, this research contributes to a broader understanding of ferritin’s role in iron metabolism and its potential modifications for biotechnological applications. The findings will also provide insight into ferritin’s structural adaptability, offering potential avenues for future studies on engineered ferritin nanocages and iron-regulating biomaterials.
Statistical Modeling of VMI Graduation and Retention
Using machine learning on recent VMI graduating classes statistical models were created to predict graduation and fall to fall retention rates with up to 80% accuracy. ...
Carman, Aiden
Statistical Modeling of VMI Graduation and Retention
Using machine learning on recent VMI graduating classes statistical models were created to predict graduation and fall to fall retention rates with up to 80% accuracy. We were able to find key factors that influenced graduation and retention. This project allows us to identify cadets that might need help or intervention to reach graduation.
El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha is Miguel de Cervantes’ masterpiece, and his critics have differing opinions regarding the events in this work. It is an indisputable fact that this novel is important for all literature worldwide, but the significance of the introspective experience of this story can differ between readers....
Chapman, Noah
Don Quijote de La Mancha: un tonto sabio
Español: El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha es la obra maestra de Miguel de Cervantes, y las opiniones entre sus críticos en cuanto a los asuntos en su obra varían mucho. Es un hecho indisputable que esta novela es importante para toda la literatura mundial, y la importancia de la experiencia introspectiva en esta obra se distingue entre lectores. El siglo oro español era una época magnifica de literatura y arte, pero la humanidad sufrió una merma de honor y tradición en este siglo. Mientras que Don Quijote parece ser loco, su sabiduría en sus monólogos dramáticos sobre la condición humana y las diferencias entre la verdad y la decepción ofrecen otra perspectiva.
English: El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha is Miguel de Cervantes’ masterpiece, and his critics have differing opinions regarding the events in this work. It is an indisputable fact that this novel is important for all literature worldwide, but the significance of the introspective experience of this story can differ between readers. The Spanish Golden Age was a magnificent time of literature and art, but humanity began a decline of honor and tradition in this century. While Don Quijote seems a fool, his wisdom in dramatic monologues about the human condition and the differences between truth and deception offer another perspective.
[Project also connected to Department of Modern Languages and Cultures]
Design and Development of a Cost-effective NDAA-compliant First-Person View Drone
The SkySentinel project aims to create a cost-effective, NDAA-compliant FPV (First-Person View) drone. The main goal of this initiative is to strictly adhere to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by selecting components and systems from authorized manufacturers. ...
Chauhdury, Abduhu and Thompson, DJ
Design and Development of a Cost-effective NDAA-compliant First-Person View Drone
The SkySentinel project aims to create a cost-effective, NDAA-compliant FPV (First-Person View) drone. The main goal of this initiative is to strictly adhere to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by selecting components and systems from authorized manufacturers. Designed for modularity and ease of customization, the drone will allow for the integration of various features and functions tailored to specific operational requirements. The talk will present background on how this project came to be, a discussion of findings and team decisions related to the design of a custom flight control board, and details on the status of the project. The presentation will also include details on how and why NDAA compliance is important and future plans for the effort.
The Vindolanda Tablets: Romanization on the Northern British Frontier
The Roman frontier in Britain has long captured the fascination of British historians, antiquarians, and archaeologists alike. Frontier regions in the Roman Empire are of relevance when it comes to understanding the Romanization of conquered non-Roman peoples and the process that accompanied it. ...
Conley, Jack
The Vindolanda Tablets: Romanization on the Northern British Frontier
The Roman frontier in Britain has long captured the fascination of British historians, antiquarians, and archaeologists alike. Frontier regions in the Roman Empire are of relevance when it comes to understanding the Romanization of conquered non-Roman peoples and the process that accompanied it. The Vindolanda tablets, discovered in 1973 near Hadrian’s Wall, provide incredible insight into this process of Roman acculturation and how it functioned on the local level in the Roman world. The tablets illustrate the vast number of experiences that the Roman state had with the people around Vindolanda, both Roman and non-Roman. The supply of the Roman frontier at Vindolanda was obviously a very complex and intricate matter which involved a multitude of factors, such as acquisition, transportation, and distribution. To solve this, the Roman state relied on local agricultural producers and specialized merchants to feed its garrisons, especially those stationed in the far reaches of the Empire. However, key to this economic activity is the Romanizing effect that it had on the indigenous populace around Vindolanda. Romanization, or the process by which the peoples of territories conquered by the Roman state adopted its cultural markers, played a significant role in the relationships between Romans and their non-Roman subjects. From this definition, Romanization takes place as a consequence of interaction between Roman or Romanized peoples with non-Romans, with specific emphasis placed on economic interaction within the context of Vindolanda. The tablets detail these economic interactions which either imply or explicitly state interactions between the Roman state and the native peoples of Britain. Therefore, the Roman military, as an extension of the Roman state, acted as an agent of Romanization through its economic interactions with the local non-Roman populace. This paper explored these interactions categorically and utilized evidence from the tablets to demonstrate that the Roman garrison at Vindolanda, with its economic interactions, created a catalyst for Romanization to take place among the indigenous Britons living around Vindolanda.
The Fight against Extremism in Africa: How Sufism Influences Morocco anti-radical Policy
The purpose of this Independent Study Paper was to explore and understand the influence of Islamic mysticism known as Sufism and its strategic use in combating extremism within the region of North Africa, especially Morocco. ...
Creach, Jackson
The Fight against Extremism in Africa: How Sufism Influences Morocco anti-radical Policy
The purpose of this Independent Study Paper was to explore and understand the influence of Islamic mysticism known as Sufism and its strategic use in combating extremism within the region of North Africa, especially Morocco. I will discuss the strategic use of Sufism on the communal level festivals, concerts, and ceremonies, as well as the institutional practices such as state sponsored institutions. Institutional support of Sufism exists through organized music, festivals, poetry, and circles of remembrance, thikar, to normalize the narrative of love, spirituality, and disconnect from strict practices that lead to radical Islam. The relationship between prominent Turuq, ways or schools of thought in Sufism, within Morocco and the influence on the government will serve as a necessary contextualization for this analysis. I will use the examples of Qadiriyya Budhsishiyya and Tijaniyya because of their prominence in Morocco to analyze the influence of Sufism in government policy. These Turuq hold significant influence within Morocco with overlapping membership to Turuq and government office being present with Ahmad Tawfiq, the Moroccan Minister of Endowments and Islamic Affairs. Additionally, the establishment of the Mohammed VI Institute and policy of Religious Diplomacy are examples of preemptive policy to combat radical or orthodox Islam. In this ISP I will explore how this relationship between Government and Sufism has evolved within Morocco from before European colonialism to modern age establishing a foundation for analysis. Using primary literature on the topic of Sufism and Moroccan extremist policy this paper will describe how foundations of Sufism have become intertwined within policy.
Studying the Prevalence of Zoonotic Disease in Raccoon Populations
With urbanization on the rise, the relationships between people and wildlife have increased substantially. ...
Dabu, Cameron and Tulupov, Mikhail
Studying the Prevalence of Zoonotic Disease in Raccoon Populations
With urbanization on the rise, the relationships between people and wildlife have increased substantially. With our population pushing eight billion people, the living space of people and animals has ran thin (Narayan and Rana 2023). One example of human interaction with wild animals is with raccoons (Procyon lotor), which have been able to adapt and even thrive in urban-suburban areas. Raccoons carry many diseases that can be transmitted to humans, such as Leptospirosis (bacterial), parasitic diseases, such as Toxoplasmi gondii and Trypanosoms cruzi, or gastrointestinal diseases (Baylisascaris procyonis). For my research, I took a deeper look into Baylisascaris procyonis, nicknamed raccoon roundworm, one of the more serious diseases that raccoons can transmit to humans and our pets. Raccoon roundworms are especially deadly because the roundworm larva spread to human organs, tissues, and parts of the brain, severely impairing humans and in some cases causing death.
Unionomics: Analyzing What Made the Union’s Economy Advantageous During the Civil War
While a variety of factors led to the outcome of the American Civil War, many historians debate over which factors were the most critical to a secured Union victory. While it is true that the Union won due to an access to greater technology, better planning, strategies such as the Anaconda Plan, and possessed greater military strength than the Confederacy, this analysis will focus on the economic factors that led to a Union victory. ...
Dameron, Jonathan
Unionomics: Analyzing What Made the Union’s Economy Advantageous During the Civil War
While a variety of factors led to the outcome of the American Civil War, many historians debate over which factors were the most critical to a secured Union victory. While it is true that the Union won due to an access to greater technology, better planning, strategies such as the Anaconda Plan, and possessed greater military strength than the Confederacy, this analysis will focus on the economic factors that led to a Union victory. More specifically, answering the question of in what ways did the Union possess an economic advantage over the Confederacy during the Civil War? The reason why it must be broken down into the sub-factors of the Union’s economic advantage is because asking how the Union had an economic advantage during the Civil War would be too broad of a focus, and so it should be narrowed down to analyze specific factors that provided the most reasonable ways that the Union’s economy was advantageous during the war to provide a clear and well supported answer to the question being proposed, while maintaining a focus narrow enough that the reader may understand the analysis and can form an effective interpretation based upon clear evidence. The economic factors that provided an advantage for the Union during the Civil War were an industrial based economy, greater access and use of railroads, and more effective economic actions/policies. These factors would provide the Union with the funding, transportation, intelligence, and trade abilities necessary to gain an advantage over the Confederacy during the Civil War.
With the Thorlabs Quantum Optics Kit photon pairs experiment, we explored the process of Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC) in which a photon from the pump laser generates two photons inside a β-Barium borate (BBO) nonlinear optical crystal. ...
Fiorillo, Caroline and Fogle, Ethan
Quantum Optics: Photon Pairs Source
With the Thorlabs Quantum Optics Kit photon pairs experiment, we explored the process of Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC) in which a photon from the pump laser generates two photons inside a β-Barium borate (BBO) nonlinear optical crystal. The BBO crystal was designed for a pump laser wavelength of 405 nm, in the violet light spectrum. The generated photon pair have a wavelength of 810 nm, in the infrared spectrum. During the Capstone project we set up the coincidence counts experiment to detect the corelated photons. By confirming photon pairs, quantum mechanics would be established over classical physics. This experiment is the first step in the line of the quantum optics experiments that are studied.
Ong, the Technology of the Word, and Garcilaso’s Third Eclogue
The renaissance soldier-poet, Garcilaso de la Vega (Spain 1501-1536), transformed the world of poetry using the eclogue and the sonnet. Interestingly, Garcilaso anticipates the 20th century critic-scholar Walter J. Ong and his discovery of the ‘word’ as technology....
Fletcher, Jack
Ong, the Technology of the Word, and Garcilaso’s Third Eclogue
The renaissance soldier-poet, Garcilaso de la Vega (Spain 1501-1536), transformed the world of poetry using the eclogue and the sonnet. Interestingly, Garcilaso anticipates the 20th century critic-scholar Walter J. Ong and his discovery of the ‘word’ as technology. Therefore, in this study I investigated the findings of Walter Ong and his discovery of the ‘word’ as a technological advancement of human society which Garcilaso anticipated early in the Renaissance period. This study further shows how Garcilaso treated the word as technology in the Renaissance, which confirms the findings of Walter Ong. This study consulted all relevant research on this topic.
Abrahamic and Pagan Themes in Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Their Victorian Context
Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre is a classic gothic novel which follows a young woman’s account on her journey of life and love. The pseudo-memoir is embroidered in every interaction, choice of word, and place in time with religious and supernatural context. ...
Garcia, Angelina
Abrahamic and Pagan Themes in Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Their Victorian Context
Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre is a classic gothic novel which follows a young woman’s account on her journey of life and love. The pseudo-memoir is embroidered in every interaction, choice of word, and place in time with religious and supernatural context. The novel challenges the Victorian era’s concept of religion and spirituality by using both Abrahamic and pagan themes. It does this effectively by creating a story where those concepts are accepted by audiences without question. Readers are prompted to explore what influence the universe has in bringing Jane and Edward together in such a cosmic way, ultimately posing the question: is the supernatural an act of God?
Synthesis and Equilibrium Dynamics of Intramolecular Frustrated Lewis Pairs
In recent years it has been reported that systems containing strong Lewis acids (electron acceptors) and Lewis bases (electron donors) that are unable to fully associate due to steric constraints are capable of activating small molecules and acting as catalysts....
Hale, Nicholas
Synthesis and Equilibrium Dynamics of Intramolecular Frustrated Lewis Pairs
In recent years it has been reported that systems containing strong Lewis acids (electron acceptors) and Lewis bases (electron donors) that are unable to fully associate due to steric constraints are capable of activating small molecules and acting as catalysts. These systems have since been termed Frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs). Typically, these FLPs form due to intermolecular associations, however some examples of intramolecular FLPs are known. However, the degree to which the internal strain in these intramolecular FLPs contributes to frustration has not been characterized systematically. The synthesis of oxorhenium(V) complexes that can act as an integrated system containing both a Lewis acid (electron acceptor) and Lewis base (electron donor) connected by an alkyl liner is of interest for quantitative investigation into how internal molecular strain may lead to the formation of an FLP. Expanding on previous studies that have incorporated metal complexes to take advantage of the tunability of transition metals, herein we describe methods for the synthesis of novel oxorhenium alkenyl complexes that may be used to systematically access a series of intramolecular FLPs for further study. While the vinyl and allyl oxorhenium complexes demonstrate undesirable reactivity, the butenyl and pentenyl complexes were successfully synthesized and serve as a proof of concept for the further synthesis of oxorhenium complexes with variable chain lengths. The structure of these complexes was elucidated and confirmed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Radio Spectroscopy (NMR).
Over the past 120 years a variety of road measurement systems have been utilized to measure and subsequently model road surfaces. More recently systems integrating scanning lasers with navigational data produced using a Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Measurement System (IMS) have been used. ...
Hay, Bruce
Terrain Measurement System
Over the past 120 years a variety of road measurement systems have been utilized to measure and subsequently model road surfaces. More recently systems integrating scanning lasers with navigational data produced using a Global Positioning System (GPS) and Inertial Measurement System (IMS) have been used. While these systems produce road measurements with the highest level of accuracy, they are expensive. This work focuses on the development of the software and electronics needed to control a low cost road measurement system. Firstly, the setup of the hardware needed to operate all systems is covered. Next, the development of the C# code used to run and process the laser, GPS, and IMU measurements is covered. This code is a crucial part of the work completed because it controls the entire system using a single key on the keyboard. In addition, the code controls the developed Arduino code that triggers the laser at a desired frequency, stores the measurements from the laser and writes them to a text file, and starts the GPS system and begins logging GPS and IMU data. The data collected from the laser and combined GPS/IMU system can then be post-processed using command line code and developed MATLAB code to achieve the desired road surface measurements.
Current research has sparked interest in understanding the contribution of natural killer (NK) cells and their role in the resolution of viral infections, including influenza infections, commonly referred to as the flu. ...
Huang, Hai-Hsin
Mathematical Modeling of Natural Killer Cells
Current research has sparked interest in understanding the contribution of natural killer (NK) cells and their role in the resolution of viral infections, including influenza infections, commonly referred to as the flu. Despite their significance, NK cells' precise mechanisms, immune functions, and their correlation with cytokines like interferon gamma (IFNg) remain unclear. We aim to model immune dynamics and discover potential mechanisms underlying IFNg production during infections. Our study integrates immunology and mathematics to investigate the roles of NK cells, T cells, and IFNg in influenza infections by utilizing data from the University of Tennessee's Department of Pediatrics. This model will allow the exploration of possible mechanisms related to IFNg production during an infection.
Enhancing Community Engagement through Rockbridger How To: A Comprehensive Guide
This project aims to enhance community engagement through web development by acquiring and applying PHP, HTML, and WordPress skills. ...
Huang, Hai-Hsin
Enhancing Community Engagement through Rockbridger How To: A Comprehensive Guide
This project aims to enhance community engagement through web development by acquiring and applying PHP, HTML, and WordPress skills. Preparation for this project involved learning the technical aspects of web development, exploring WordPress as a content management system (CMS), and learning web development skills with online self-guided coding courses. This significant project bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, fostering a deeper understanding of web development processes and their impact on community engagement.
Cost-Effective Health Outcomes of Strength Training Programs for the Elderly
In this study, the cost-effective health outcomes of strength training programs for the elderly were investigated. By conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis, the effectiveness and economic benefits of strength training interventions were analyzed....
Huang, Hai-Hsin
Cost-Effective Health Outcomes of Strength Training Programs for the Elderly
In this study, the cost-effective health outcomes of strength training programs for the elderly were investigated. By conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis, the effectiveness and economic benefits of strength training interventions were analyzed. The focus was specifically on health outcomes such as muscle strength, mobility, fall prevention, and overall quality of life. The findings of this study aimed to potentially inform healthcare policymakers and exercise program designers of the potential of strength training as a cost-effective strategy for improving elderly health and their financial status.
A Simple Early Warning System for Solar Flares Using Machine Learning
Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy from the Sun that can disrupt communication systems, satellites, and power grids on Earth. Predicting these events in advance could help reduce their impact. This project explores how machine learning can be used to create a simple early warning system for solar flares....
Huang, Hai-Hsin
A Simple Early Warning System for Solar Flares Using Machine Learning
Solar flares are powerful bursts of energy from the Sun that can disrupt communication systems, satellites, and power grids on Earth. Predicting these events in advance could help reduce their impact. This project explores how machine learning can be used to create a simple early warning system for solar flares. Using historical data from NOAA and NASA, we look for patterns in solar activity, such as changes in X-ray levels and sunspots, that happen before a flare. We train machine learning models, like decision trees and logistic regression, to predict when a flare might occur. The accuracy of these models will be tested to see how well they can make predictions. While this system does not provide real-time forecasts, it shows how machine learning can be useful in space weather prediction. The results of this study could help improve future methods for predicting solar flares and protecting technology from their effects.
Towards a Quantum-Resistant HashBlock Signature Scheme for Secure IoT Applications
Quantum computing poses a significant threat to the security of IoT networks, as traditional cryptographic algorithms such as RSA and ECC become vulnerable to quantum attacks. ...
Jorgensen, Michael and Harvey, Sean
Towards a Quantum-Resistant HashBlock Signature Scheme for Secure IoT Applications
Quantum computing poses a significant threat to the security of IoT networks, as traditional cryptographic algorithms such as RSA and ECC become vulnerable to quantum attacks. While research into post-quantum cryptography is ongoing, many proposed solutions remain resource intensive. Merkle tree-based one-time signature (OTS) schemes, commonly used for key management, impose substantial computational and communication burdens, particularly when generating signature verification paths. This paper proposes a lightweight post-quantum key management scheme called the hashblock signature scheme (HBSS). By utilizing an N-dimensional matrix structure, HBSS reduces communication, storage, and computational demands, making it a scalable and efficient solution for IoT digital signatures, thereby enhancing security while minimizing resource usage.
Institutional Heritage and Satisfaction with Democratic Practices in African Monarchies: Evidence from Eswatini, Lesotho, and Morocco
What factors explain citizen satisfaction with democratic practices in autocracies? Autocracies, specifically monarchies, are an extremely diverse regime type with variations in government structure, rights provided to citizens, and growing societal demands to adapt to a democratic world. ...
Jurack, Jonah
Institutional Heritage and Satisfaction with Democratic Practices in African Monarchies: Evidence from Eswatini, Lesotho, and Morocco
What factors explain citizen satisfaction with democratic practices in autocracies? Autocracies, specifically monarchies, are an extremely diverse regime type with variations in government structure, rights provided to citizens, and growing societal demands to adapt to a democratic world. In an effort to increase cooptation, legitimacy, or information-gathering capabilities, many autocracies engage in democratic reforms at the local and national levels. While the literature focuses primarily on how elites influence autocratic politics, this article examines the factors that explain citizen satisfaction with democratic practices in three African monarchies: Eswatini, Lesotho, and Morocco. Using Round 5 (2011-2012) and Round 9 (2021-2022) data from the Afrobarometer (2022) dataset, I argue that citizen engagement with political institutions, especially in more liberalized monarchies, has a strong, statistically significant relation with greater satisfaction with democratic practices. The results from my data analysis corroborate this hypothesis: trust in local and national level institutions in Lesotho and Morocco is associated with greater satisfaction with democratic practices while it is not associated with greater citizen satisfaction in Eswatini’s absolute monarchy. The results can be explained by the increased institutionalization, decentralization, and political liberalization efforts in Lesotho and Morocco that were not found in Eswatini. My findings suggest new mechanisms of monarchical regime survival through citizen response to political reform.
The Courts and Educational Equality: The History of the Courts' Role in Desegregation, Integration, and Equality in American Public Schools
Many Americans believe that segregation of public schools ended in 1954 following the decision of Brown v. Board of Education. In reality, Brown was merely the beginning of the “war” against segregation. ...
Kiernan, Patrick
The Courts and Educational Equality: The History of the Courts' Role in Desegregation, Integration, and Equality in American Public Schools
Many Americans believe that segregation of public schools ended in 1954 following the decision of Brown v. Board of Education. In reality, Brown was merely the beginning of the “war” against segregation. The Supreme Court faced a constant battle to not only ban segregation but enforce racial integration and equality in American schools. This was done through a series of Supreme Court cases throughout the 1960s and 1970s. The most significant of these cases were Griffin v. School Board of Prince Edward County, Swann v. Charolette-Mecklenburg, Bradley v. Milliken, San Antonio v. Rodriguez, and Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. These cases demonstrate the difficulty in enforcing desegregation, integration, and educational equality as the questions that arose in these cases become more divisive. Much of this divisiveness originates from the vague wording of the Brown decision.
The paper utilizes case studies of the five mentioned cases. Each case study is done chronologically, in order of when the decision was published. This structure helps to reveal how the questions presented to the Court became more difficult to answer. Furthermore, one can see how the Supreme Court slowly became more divided in the final decisions of the cases.
This paper is framed through the lens of Justice Lewis F. Powell jr. Powell sat on the Supreme Court for three of the five mentioned cases. For the cases he was not on the Court for, Powell sat on the school boards of Virginia and Richmond. This provided Powell with a large insight into not only the legal standing of these cases, but also the practicality of the decisions the Court made. Powell’s perspective is crucial to understanding these cases, because he can provide more insight into the difficulties of integration and equality in the American education system.
Many aquatic organisms experience stress in their habitat through natural means such as predation, or because of human activity. Testing stress levels of a species can help identify populations that are at high risk of population decrease....
Lassalle, Caroline
Non-Invasive Dermal Swab on Aquatic Organisms
Many aquatic organisms experience stress in their habitat through natural means such as predation, or because of human activity. Testing stress levels of a species can help identify populations that are at high risk of population decrease. However, testing for stress hormones can be complicated due to the additional stress induced on the animal during testing procedures. This study investigates the effectiveness of non-invasive dermal swabs to detect cortisol levels in the zebrafish.
Eleven zebrafish (Zebra Danios) were randomly assigned to group 1 or group 2 using a randomized computer number generator. After the full week of acclimation, on days 9 and 10, experimental trials were conducted on the fish. Experimental trials consisted of a baseline swab, followed by inducing the fish with acute stress with either air exposure or a heavy bubble aerator, and then swabbing the fish 15 minutes after exposure to the stressor. A cortisol ELISA kit and procedure from Enzo Scientific was used to test the samples.
When comparing data obtained from a cortisol ELISA kit in both conditions, there were no significant changes in pre- and post-stressors (p > 0.05). However, this data confirms that the swabbing technique derived previously works effectively. Utilizing non-invasive dermal swabs could provide a better option for hormone testing in field studies. Dermal swabs might be superior to other methods, such as fecal material collection and water extraction because dermal swabs are relatively quick to perform and more cost-effective. If it is possible to conduct field research, future studies will be able to provide data on the health of local aquatic species.
Decrease in Cardiovascular Efficiency as a Response to Load Carriage in Hypoxia
Tactical, firefighter, and search and rescue occupations demand heavy load carriage in harsh environmental conditions, which increase physiological strain. This study investigates the effects of load carriage on the cardiovascular response to exercise in normoxic and hypoxic environments. ...
Lassalle, Caroline
Decrease in Cardiovascular Efficiency as a Response to Load Carriage in Hypoxia
Tactical, firefighter, and search and rescue occupations demand heavy load carriage in harsh environmental conditions, which increase physiological strain. This study investigates the effects of load carriage on the cardiovascular response to exercise in normoxic and hypoxic environments.
Healthy male subjects (n=12) performed 3 exercise tests on a treadmill consisting of the following conditions: 1) unloaded normoxic (UN: FiO2=20.93%), 2) unloaded hypoxic stimulating 3,650 m (LH: FiO2=~13%), and 3) loaded (~65 lb) hypoxic (LH). Exercise consisted of 45-min of treadmill walking (~2-4 mph; 8% treadmill grade) with stages matched with the UN condition for absolute VO2 (2.0 L/min).
Q increased with UH relative to UN conditions (p<0.05) but was reduced in LH relative to UH conditions. HR increased with LH relative to the unloaded conditions (p<0.05). At 5 minutes of exercise, muscle O2HHB is reduced in UH versus LH, and both UH and LH are reduced compared to UN (p<0.05). Cerebral O2HHb was increased in LH and UH compared to UN (p<0.05). Additionally, starting at 15 minutes, cerebral O2HHb was increased in LH versus UH. Also starting at 15 minutes, cerebral tHHB increased in UH relative to LH (p<0.05).
Altitude exposure increases cardiac output. However, when comparing loaded to unloaded exercise conditions at hypoxia, load carriage reduces cardiovascular efficiency by decreasing and increasing stroke volume and heart rate, respectively. Additionally, load carriage increases cerebral oxygenation and total hemoglobin, which may influence cognitive function and risks for altitude illnesses.
My research question is how did George C. Marshall help in the liberation and recovery of the Holocaust victims and why was nothing done to help while it was on-going? ...
Lauerman, William
George C. Marshall and the Holocaust
My research question is how did George C. Marshall help in the liberation and recovery of the Holocaust victims and why was nothing done to help while it was on-going? It is very much agreed upon by scholars that the United States could have saved potentially millions of lives by taking in more refugees and by conducting military operations to save and help victims of the Holocaust while it was on-going during WWII. Instead, the focus was purely on Military Operations during the war. My project discusses this approach while the Holocaust was on-going and how George C. Marshall helped Holocaust survivors afterwards with the Marshall Plan, setting up displaced people's camps to aid in their recovery, the recognition of the state of Israel, and recommending to congress that many displaced people should be given refuge to the United States.
Developing a Study: Does Viewing Art Through Virtual Reality Compete with the Engagement of Traditional Viewing Methods?
Over the course of VMI's SURI program I was given the opportunity to devise a potential experiment that would examine the possible benefits of incorporating Virtual Reality Headsets into the classroom environment....
Lavender, Nathalie
Developing a Study: Does Viewing Art Through Virtual Reality Compete with the Engagement of Traditional Viewing Methods?
Over the course of VMI's SURI program I was given the opportunity to devise a potential experiment that would examine the possible benefits of incorporating Virtual Reality Headsets into the classroom environment. In my presentation I will describe the projects expectations, timeline, research, challenges, and outcomes.
Case Studies of Women's Movements in Islamic States
A gender disparity gap persists in many Islamic countries, with the Middle East and North African region specifically lagging in gender equality growth. This has been traditionally blamed on the absence of democracy, religion, economic development, as well as a country’s reliance on natural resource production....
Layman, Katy
Case Studies of Women's Movements in Islamic States
A gender disparity gap persists in many Islamic countries, with the Middle East and North African region specifically lagging in gender equality growth. This has been traditionally blamed on the absence of democracy, religion, economic development, as well as a country’s reliance on natural resource production. However, none of these factors perfectly apply to the diverse economy and governance of nations in the regions. In my study, I look at Tunisia, Libya, and Morocco, firstly applying previously proposed explanations for gender inequality, pointing out their failures. Through analysis of women’s presence in state-building using facets of political participation and movement organization, I look at its impacts on legislation and ability to create space for women’s advocacy. Tunisia and Libya, both strong performers in gender equality, had reforms of Islamic family law as a result of women’s political participation. Morocco, a weaker performer in gender equality, were able to make legal progress through women’s advocacy but failed to get more women into political positions of power and did not make social or political gains. This research shows the opportunity to further explain weaknesses in gender equality through women’s participation in post-colonial periods as states look to build a sovereign identity.
With the increasing use of social media and online interactions, the act of protecting children from potential cyber threats from malicious or harmful connections has become a concern. This report contains a conceptual model and ontological framework for a Friend-As-A-Cyber-Threat Identification system with focus at safeguarding children in the virtual environment....
Le, Dang Khoa
Friend-As-A-Cyber-Threat Identification
With the increasing use of social media and online interactions, the act of protecting children from potential cyber threats from malicious or harmful connections has become a concern. This report contains a conceptual model and ontological framework for a Friend-As-A-Cyber-Threat Identification system with focus at safeguarding children in the virtual environment. The proposed approach utilizes semantic technologies and ruled-based reasoning to identify and mitigate risks associated with a child’s social media connections and online activities.
The report outlines the methodology used, which involves reviewing existing research to understand key themes, patterns related to children’s cyber safety, developing a conceptual model that captures relevant entities and relationships, and transforming this model into an ontological representation using XML and RDF. The ontology contains mechanisms to assess risks based on factors such as harmful interests, concerning online activities, inappropriate occupations, age differences, and educational backgrounds.
By quantifying risk levels and setting thresholds, the system can identify high-risk connections and activities, enabling parental control, monitoring. The report discusses the significance of the project in promoting children’s online safety while presenting its potential applications in areas such as social media platforms, educational institutions, and cybersecurity initiatives.
The proposed “Friend-As-A-Cyber Threat Identification” system offers a novel approach to address the challenges of protecting children on social media, combining semantic technologies with domain knowledge and expert input. The report emphasizes the literature nature of the project, highlighting the importance of continuous refinement and adaptation to emerging threats and evolving societal needs.
Analyzing Choice Overload Behaviors in AI-Generated Recommendations
This paper presents an analysis on how generative Al, specifically ChatGPT, influences user experiences in decision-making contexts prone to choice overload. ...
Lee, Chao-Chun
Analyzing Choice Overload Behaviors in AI-Generated Recommendations
This paper presents an analysis on how generative Al, specifically ChatGPT, influences user experiences in decision-making contexts prone to choice overload. It investigates the effects of varying recommendation set sizes (10, 30, and 60 options) on user satisfaction and decision satisfaction across two scenarios: travel recommendations and fundraising advice. Using survey data from a sample of 19 U.S. adults, the study reveals a preference for selecting options from the initial portion of recommendation lists, especially in larger sets. Results indicate that while users may experience choice overload with high option counts, their satisfaction and likelihood of action are paradoxically higher when presented with more recommendations in complex decisions. This research contributes to understanding Al-driven choice overload and suggests strategies to enhance user experience by balancing recommendation set sizes based on decision complexity.
A wave of political violence has washed over the United States recently. This violence has been painted as un-American and inflammatory, but a survey of this type of activity within American history reveals its strong roots....
London, Bane
The Crowd in American History
A wave of political violence has washed over the United States recently. This violence has been painted as un-American and inflammatory, but a survey of this type of activity within American history reveals its strong roots. As a country founded through revolution and violence, the history of political violence can be traced to the colonial era. As this violence persisted into the 19th and 20th centuries, its status as a tradition became cemented. While the origins of American political violence are obvious, the question of how and why it became tradition remains.
This paper studies the neglected topic of political violence in America. More specifically, it analyzes several instances of “crowd action” in American history. Pioneered by George Rude, and later adapted by Paul Gilje, this term refers to political action taken outside of the traditional, Constitutional, means. Left understudied since the 1980s, this paper fills a large historiographic gap in the study of American crowd action. The evolution of crowd action was traced through a series of six case studies, ranging from the colonial era into the 1920s. These are: Pope’s Day and the Revolutionary Era, the Whiskey Rebellion, the Philadelphia Nativist Riots, the New York City Draft Riots, the Great Railroad Strike, and the Resurgence of the KKK in the 1920s. The cases provide insight into different types and causes of crowd action; in which the evolution of crowd action can be studied. Ultimately, this paper provides a study of crowd action left undone since the 1980s.
In 2012, the French government launched a military campaign in Mali aimed at rooting out Islamic extremist forces in the region. In 2022 French forces left Mali with a hostile government and popular opposition to French activities in Africa. This paper aims to examine the tactical and operational reasons why France failed in Mali and how it relates to the broader history of Counterinsurgency and unconventional warfare. ...
Malone, Riley
French COIN in Mali from 2012-2022
In 2012, the French government launched a military campaign in Mali aimed at rooting out Islamic extremist forces in the region. France initiated this campaign with the support of the existing Malian government and to a large degree, the people. In 2022 French forces left Mali with a hostile government and popular opposition to French activities in Africa. This paper aims to examine the tactical and operational reasons why France failed in Mali and how it relates to the broader history of Counterinsurgency and unconventional warfare. This paper relies upon a variety of sources to include oral histories from individuals who were deployed to Mali, newspaper reports from French and other Western media, and secondary literature from contemporary authorities on counterinsurgency such as Douglas Porch. Through analysis of the tactical environment, such as the availability of aircraft and mobility-enhancing systems, and operational factors such as the relationship between French forces and indigenous forces, this paper argues that the reasons for French failure in Mali is primarily because of the poor quality of indigenous troops training, lack of substantial supporting elements such as aviation and artillery, and a misunderstanding of the nature of the insurgent enemy. The continued study of the counterinsurgency and particularly the French intervention in Mali is critical to both historians and the military profession due to the ongoing use of unconventional warfare that often relies upon the same tactics used throughout history.
Design of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Double Wishbone SAE Suspension System
The Baja Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) competition is an event where colleges across the word are tasked with designing an off-road vehicle that can traverse any obstacle the competition judges can imagine. ...
Markie, Diego
Design of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Double Wishbone SAE Suspension System
The Baja Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) competition is an event where colleges across the word are tasked with designing an off-road vehicle that can traverse any obstacle the competition judges can imagine. One of the primary rules of the competition is that all cars must be powered with a 10hp engine that cannot be modified. For this reason, designing a lightweight car is of significant focus to produce a faster and more competitive car. More so, decreasing the weight of unsprung mass, or mass not supported by the coilovers, is of most concern because it has the greatest effect on the handling of the vehicle. One example of a part that has a significant effect on the unsprung mass of a vehicle is a control arm, which is one of the two A-shaped parts that controls the motion of the wheel during suspension movements. The objective of this paper is to present a design of a carbon fiber reinforced aluminum control arm that has equivalent performance to steel tube control arm but reduces the weight. In this paper, performance is defined by the bending and torsional stiffness of the control arm. Following the design, a stress and deformation analysis of a carbon fiber reinforced aluminum control arm is presented along with analysis of a baseline steel tube control arm. The bending and torsional stiffness of both designs are compared. Subsequently, the manufacturing of a test specimen is covered along with the presentation and discussion of results from experimental testing of the test specimen.
Preventing Suicide: The Effect of Visibility on Mental Health Infrastructure (MHI)
What effect does visibility have on mental health infrastructure in the United States? Visibility, for the most part, has a strong and positive effect on the mental health infrastructure in the United States. ...
Martindale, Delilah
Preventing Suicide: The Effect of Visibility on Mental Health Infrastructure (MHI)
What effect does visibility have on mental health infrastructure in the United States? Visibility, for the most part, has a strong and positive effect on the mental health infrastructure in the United States. Research shows that the more activity a campaign has, the more growth there is regarding facilities, resources, services, and education. My hypothesis is that visibility has a positive impact on increasing mental health infrastructure. In order to prove this hypothesis, I will conduct a case study on five different suicide campaigns that have developed over the past thirty years. Four of the five case studies demonstrated that with increased visibility, came increased mental health infrastructure and an overall more developed, successful campaign.
Species-Based Variations in Spleen Size in Wild-Caught Rodents
The focus of this study is to examine the difference in spleen size of male and female wild caught mice. The Spleen is responsible for filtering and creating white blood cells within organisms. Many factors can affect the function and size of the spleen. ...
Maul, Gibson
Species-Based Variations in Spleen Size in Wild-Caught Rodents
The focus of this study is to examine the difference in spleen size of male and female wild caught mice. The Spleen is responsible for filtering and creating white blood cells within organisms. Many factors can affect the function and size of the spleen. These include diet, stressors, stress response, pathogen exposure, and sex. A focus on examining spleen size differences between male and female mice could explain if sex plays a role in the physiological reactions to these stimuli. The physiological similarities of mice and human spleen function can provide some insight to the effects sex can have on spleen health. No direct conclusions will be drawn between the reactions of humans and mice in this experiment. However, this experiment can create the groundwork for further research including human components. After collecting our samples and extracting the spleens of 31 mice we were able to analyze the weights of male and female spleen sizes. We compared the ratio of spleen weight to Body weight as a percentage between male and female mice. Our results show that there is no statistically significant difference between male and female spleen sizes.
Oxygen Consumption Dynamics During Prolonged Heavy Load Carriage
Load carriage is utilized in military, police, and firefighter careers, often at a variety of different speeds and terrains. Prior research has shown conflicting evidence on whether or not load carriage causes significant oxygen consumption (VO2) drift in comparison to unloaded exercise during VO2-matched exercise. This study investigates the effects of both speed matched load carriage and gradient matched load carriage on oxygen consumption dynamics in college aged males and females....
McGovern, Conor
Oxygen Consumption Dynamics During Prolonged Heavy Load Carriage
Load carriage is utilized in military, police, and firefighter careers, often at a variety of different speeds and terrains. Prior research has shown conflicting evidence on whether or not load carriage causes significant oxygen consumption (VO2) drift in comparison to unloaded exercise during VO2-matched exercise. This study investigates the effects of both speed matched load carriage and gradient matched load carriage on oxygen consumption dynamics in college aged males and females.
In a single-blind and randomized crossover design, healthy college-aged males (n=3) and females (n=3) performed 3 experimental exercise tests on a treadmill which consisted of: 1) unloaded, 2) loaded (55lb) with speed matched intensity, 3) loaded (55lb) with gradient matched intensity. Experimental trials consisted of 60 minutes of treadmill walking at 3.5 or 2.4 mph with respect to experimental conditions. Gradients were customized to elicit a relative intensity of ~60% VO2 max. All subjects exercise intensity for all experimental trials was matched for ~60% of absolute VO2 max. An automated gas exchange analysis system (Metalyzer 3B) was used to measure ventilation, tidal volume, breathing frequency, oxygen consumption, lung volumes, and metabolism. Additionally, a heart rate monitor and automatic sphygmomanometer were used to evaluate hemodynamics (heart rate [HR], and blood pressure [BP]).
Characterization of Trace Contaminants within Lipid Residue Analysis of Archaeological Pottery
When conducting trace lipid residue analysis on archaeological artifacts, it is vital to remove all possible sources of bias and contamination. Sources of lipid contamination can jeopardize the integrity of the archaeological record examined. ...
McLaughlin, Charles
Characterization of Trace Contaminants within Lipid Residue Analysis of Archaeological Pottery
When conducting trace lipid residue analysis on archaeological artifacts, it is vital to remove all possible sources of bias and contamination. Sources of lipid contamination can jeopardize the integrity of the archaeological record examined. Method validation for lipid residue analysis requires the characterization of all potential trace sources of lipid residues. During method validation, contamination sources were traced to plastic pipet tips and rubber-lined vial caps, with additional contamination occurring from storage container leaching. Since the contaminants contained lipid residues they were found to be of particular concern. Through the implementation a new cleaning protocols and the use of PTFE-lined vial caps, contamination was minimized to below detection limits for Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry analysis. These protocols have been implemented for the unbiased analysis of trace lipid residue in archaeological pottery fragments.
Analyzing the Depiction of Venus in Renaissance Art
Through a comparative analysis of artistic techniques, composition, and historical context, this study reveals how Venus functioned as both an object of admiration and a warning figure. ...
Mihalovich, Sara
Analyzing the Depiction of Venus in Renaissance Art
During the Renaissance, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, became a central figure in art, showcasing femininity and deeper symbolic meanings. Artists such as Botticelli, Titan, Giorgione, and Pontormo created Venus in varied ways, from a peaceful and passive figure to an active symbol of seduction and control. This research examines just how Venus was depicted in Renaissance paintings, including Sleeping Venus, Venus of Urbino, Venus and Mars, and Venus and Cupid. All of which explore themes of beauty, love, and honesty. Even though Venus was often seen as an unattainable standard of perfection, she also reflected societal concerns about desire and virtue. Through a comparative analysis of artistic techniques, composition, and historical context, this study reveals how Venus functioned as both an object of admiration and a warning figure. By presenting these contrasting portrayals, this research highlights how Renaissance artists used classical mythology to navigate ideas about gender and power. This presentation will provide insight into how Renaissance artists used Venus to navigate the complexities of human emotion, morality, and artistic expression.
Morphological and Physiological Differences in Rural Rats, Urban Rats, and Laboratory-Bred Rats
This study aimed to compare the morphological and physiological differences in rural, urban, and laboratory-bred Rattus norvegicus. Specifically, whether the environment affects stress in rats. Previous research has shown that increased exposure to green space which is more commonly found in rural environments can decrease stress in humans. ...
Novotny, Courtney
Morphological and Physiological Differences in Rural Rats, Urban Rats, and Laboratory-Bred Rats
This study aimed to compare the morphological and physiological differences in rural, urban, and laboratory-bred Rattus norvegicus. Specifically, whether the environment affects stress in rats. Previous research has shown that increased exposure to green space which is more commonly found in rural environments can decrease stress in humans. Studies have indicated that green space could be a solution for those battling mental health issues. Urbanization may be associated with decreased green space which could be detrimental for those with chronic stress and mental health conditions. R. norvegicus were trapped in rural Rockbridge Country, Virginia. The body weight, adrenal gland weight, spleen weight, and corticosterone levels were compared to the University of Richmond's urban and lab rats. The results of this study indicated that corticosterone levels were significantly higher in urban rats than rural and lab rats suggesting that urban environments might cause more stress. Additionally, adrenal weights and spleen weights were significantly higher in urban rats than rural and lab rats. This suggests that rats might be exposed to more pathogens in an urban setting. Studying the effect of the environment on stress is extremely useful and can help us better understand the factors that contribute to stress and mental health issues. Urbanization could result in the loss of green space; however, it is important to understand the benefits of green space so it can be preserved. Further research would need to be done to determine if green space could be a solution for individuals suffering from chronic stress.
Soils with moisture contents higher than the optimal water content are typically unsuitable for construction due to decreased compressive strength and stability. However, at the same time, a high amount of water in the soil acts as a lubricant until the soil becomes saturated. ...
Oh, Woongchan
Cost-Effective Option to Treat the Foundation
Soils with moisture contents higher than the optimal water content are typically unsuitable for construction due to decreased compressive strength and stability. However, at the same time, a high amount of water in the soil acts as a lubricant until the soil becomes saturated. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the optimal moisture content of soil to increase its workability and strength. Geotechnical engineers often use hydrated lime to dry soils to a compactable range. The most important effect of lime addition is increased mechanical strength from lime carbonation and pozzolanic reaction. Due to the pozzolanic reactions induced by the lime, adding lime to soil results in higher strength. Such pozzolanic reaction is a function of lime percentage, amount of water, and curing time. This research will focus on the economic aspect of lime and its strength in soil.
Saint John of the Cross and His Use of Human Language to Express Divine Themes
The mystic and doctor of The Church, Saint John of the Cross (Spain; 1542-1591) is known for his extraordinary ability to capture the soul’s mystical union with God, through the simplest of human language. ...
Palmer, Joshua
Saint John of the Cross and His Use of Human Language to Express Divine Themes
The mystic and doctor of The Church, Saint John of the Cross (Spain; 1542-1591) is known for his extraordinary ability to capture the soul’s mystical union with God, through the simplest of human language. In fact, St. John’s lyrical poetry is virtually autobiographical since he attempts to convey to the reader, his own personal experience. This study consults major critics of Saint John’s poetry, and I will explore the ramification of the paradox of human language and divine experience through his major poetry and some of his commentary.
An Analysis of Military Rank in Fiction of the Global War on Terror
Non-commissioned officers are considered the backbone of any branch of service because they not only teach the lower enlisted their jobs and how to succeed, but they teach officers how to do their job. In fiction, their role is the same, but there is also something to be learned from non-commissioned officers as the reader. ...
Pritchard, Brian
An Analysis of Military Rank in Fiction of the Global War on Terror
Non-commissioned officers are considered the backbone of any branch of service because they not only teach the lower enlisted their jobs and how to succeed, but they teach officers how to do their job. In fiction, their role is the same, but there is also something to be learned from non-commissioned officers as the reader. Not only do NCOs have the experience to teach other members of the armed forces and the reader, but examining their roles can in turn foster civic involvement in the armed forces.
In the wake of the Global War on terror, many scholars believe that there has been a decline knowledge and involvement with the armed forces. As someone who is going into the Marine Corps in May of 2025, and who finds value in reading this kind of literature, I am very passionate about this topic because not only has it taught me lessons about my chosen profession, but I believe that it is worthwhile literature for all citizens to read. The methodology for my research is close reading and literary/textual analysis of fiction novels that are set in the Global War on Terror such as The Yellow Birds by Kevin Powers, Redeployment by Phil Klay, and Youngblood by Matt Gallagher. These novels cover a wide range of topics such as combat, PTSD, coming home, and the feelings and thoughts that service members may experience. Additionally, my research includes close readings of various works by scholars including Phil Klay, Elizabeth Samet, and Patrick Deer.
The CHIPS and Science Act, enacted in 2022, was created to increase the microchip production in the United States. One way of bolstering this economy is utilizing nanoimprint lithography....
Psczulkoski, Aiden
Demonstration of Nanoimprint Lithography
The CHIPS and Science Act, enacted in 2022, was created to increase the microchip production in the United States. One way of bolstering this economy is utilizing nanoimprint lithography. Nanoimprint Lithography is a method of creating nano-scale imprints via roll to plate, plate to plate, or roll to roll techniques. These methods are done by pressing a template onto a resin and using UV radiation or thermal treatment to cure the mold. The machine used for this research is the Stensborg Roll to Plate (R2P) Nanoimprinter. This device is utilized for both instructional and research purposes. I will present the functionality of the equipment and the application of the machine, and I will run a sample to demonstrate how the machine works.
Ralis, Stephen, Huang, Hai-Hsin, Kelly, Audrianna, ad Bartmann, Cody
This project focused on building an aerial robot system utilizing the F450 drone frame kits. The main goal was programming the drone with associated sensors and cameras to detect and track objects. ...
Ralis, Stephen, Huang, Hai-Hsin, Kelly, Audrianna, ad Bartmann, Cody
Autonomous Control of UAVs
This project focused on building an aerial robot system utilizing the F450 drone frame kits. The main goal was programming the drone with associated sensors and cameras to detect and track objects. During the programming process, we took advantage of trained machine learning models to achieve our goal. Ideally, the system would run on microcomputers or microcontrollers to work with sensors and other components of the drone. We developed a drone with the capabilities of autonomous flight along pre-planned routes as well as detection and tracking of objects, allowing for respective deviations from flight plans in addition to airspace awareness and collision avoidance. Such a project is important with the proliferation of UAVs both commercially and recreationally. We want to look at the potential for, and implications of, fleets of such vehicles to be controlled by a single operator, something that is not possible with the current control-scheme of a single drone controlled by a single operator with a single controller.
Examining Implications of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ambiguity in a Medical Scenario
Ambiguity appears frequently in the medical domain, often when there is information lacking in reliability, credibility, or is in some way inadequate (Han et al., 2011, Han, 2014). In recent events, like COVID-19, ambiguity appears surrounding the severity of a disease or how effective a treatment might be (Han et al, 2019). ...
Roberson, Rachel
Examining Implications of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Ambiguity in a Medical Scenario
Ambiguity appears frequently in the medical domain, often when there is information lacking in reliability, credibility, or is in some way inadequate (Han et al., 2011, Han, 2014). In recent events, like COVID-19, ambiguity appears surrounding the severity of a disease or how effective a treatment might be (Han et al, 2019). In general, people are reluctant to make decisions when ambiguous information is presented to them, and ambiguity aversion is a well-documented phenomenon in the medical domain (Han, 2016). However, few researchers have compared whether patients react differently to different types of ambiguity. The present research compares diagnostic ambiguity (operationalized as uncertainty surrounding the severity of the disease) to therapeutic ambiguity (operationalized as uncertainty surrounding how well a vaccine works). In both cases, ambiguity was presented in the form of statistical ranges, i.e., a vaccine that is 60% to 90% effective at preventing infection. 351 participants completed the study; each was assigned to one of three hypothetical medical scenarios. One with diagnostic ambiguity, one with therapeutic ambiguity, or a control condition with no ambiguity. Despite our predictions, there was no significant different in willingness to receive the vaccine between conditions, suggesting that patients do not distinguish between different types of ambiguity. Implications of these findings and suggestions for further research are discussed.
Assessing the Efficacy of a LLM for Resume Selection and Human Talent Management: A Comprehensive Analysis Considering Reliability and Efficiency
This research investigates the potential of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-4, in hiring automation and resume selection. The study also examines the robustness of LLMs against challenges such as keyword manipulation and content overload. ...
Roberts, Jude
Assessing the Efficacy of a LLM for Resume Selection and Human Talent Management: A Comprehensive Analysis Considering Reliability and Efficiency
This research investigates the potential of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-4, in hiring automation and resume selection. A comprehensive literature review and a bibliometric analysis were conducted to understand the current research landscape, key themes and topics, and influential researchers and institutions. The study also examines the robustness of LLMs against challenges such as keyword manipulation and content overload. We aim to address these research questions: How accurate, consistent, efficient, and precise are LLMs for automating the task of resume screening? Also, what are the advantages and limitations of LLMs in this domain? These questions will contribute to a broader concept of their overall reliability.
The research follows a mixed-method approach and involves both quantitative evaluation of accuracy and efficiency, as well as qualitative assessments of reliability and bias in repeated candidate selection. Our observations indicate that while LLMs show promise in accuracy, they may struggle with consistency, reliability, and, subsequently, efficiency, particularly when faced with malicious, complex, or considerably large inputs. This work aims to reveal the advantages and limitations of LLMs in this domain of task automation, offering insights into their application in hiring workflows and emphasizing the importance of careful oversight to mitigate potential risks.
Analyzing and presenting ten years' worth of data from Project Horizon, a non-profit organization located in Lexington, Virginia. ...
Sok, Rechnna
Analysis on Project Horizon Data
Analyzing and presenting ten years' worth of data from Project Horizon, a non-profit organization located in Lexington, Virginia. Project Horizon provides confidential services to survivors of domestic violence in the Rockbridge Area.
Exploring Network Design for the Education Campus: Network Architectural Design, Secure Implementation and Policy Development
This paper presents a study on the design and implementation of network architecture for educational campuses, specifically focusing on Mallory Hall and Nichols Engineering Building at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). The project aims to optimize network performance, enhance security and ensure scalability through planning and execution. ...
Strapponi, Amber
Exploring Network Design for the Education Campus: Network Architectural Design, Secure Implementation and Policy Development
This paper presents a study on the design and implementation of network architecture for educational campuses, specifically focusing on Mallory Hall and Nichols Engineering Building at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI). The project aims to optimize network performance, enhance security and ensure scalability through planning and execution. The Nichols Engineering Building serves as the core network hub for the Virginia Military Institute, receiving connectivity from the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and distributing it across campus. This detailed network design includes critical components such as firewalls, routers, and multilayer switches, with a focus on VLAN segmentation and dynamic routing protocols. The Mallory Hall network is designed to support academic activities, featuring dedicated switches and although it only focuses on wired implementation, opportunity to add the wireless infrastructure is present. Key security measures include access control lists (ACLs), network address translation (NAT), and encryption methodologies such as IPsec VPN tunnels and Secure Shell (SSH) for remote management. The implementation of tight security policies and an organized subnetting scheme further ensures network clarity, data integrity and user privacy. This project not only addresses current network deficiencies and issues existing within these buildings, but also lays the foundation for future improvements, ultimately contributing to a secure and efficient network environment for educational institutions.
My research question is what factors explain terrorism in one country and not another and what domestic factors lead to international terrorist groups taking hold in a country? For my research, I aimed to use multiple factors to explain why terrorism occurs in some countries and not others....
Streff, Scott
Causes of International Terrorism
Much literature in international studies, especially terrorism focuses on individual terrorist groups and organizations or individual countries and the problems they face. It is also common in literature to focus on the religion of the group or host country and while this may explain part of the reason it is certainly not the only reason for countries experiencing terrorism. My research question is what factors explain terrorism in one country and not another and what domestic factors lead to international terrorist groups taking hold in a country? For my research, I aimed to use multiple factors to explain why terrorism occurs in some countries and not others. My research focused on factors like GDP, ethnic fractionalization, and number of attacks in said country. My research found that there is a generally negative relationship between GDP and the number of attacks. The United Arab Emirates falls into the normal category and Afghanistan is an outlier in this data. Again, in the data of ethnic fractionalization and number of attacks, I find that the United Arab Emirates falls near the regression line and Afghanistan is an outlier. This is driving my research into understanding why one country is a statistical anomaly and one country is not when both have majority Islamic populations as well as both are in a difficult region in terms of terrorism. My analysis will be a quantitative case study using a nested analysis approach. The end goal of this research is to look at what factors in Afghanistan make it so statistically different from The UAE when these countries share commonality in many ways. The goal of these case studies is to look at factors that do not appear in the quantitative research and seek out the explanation for the quantitative data in the qualitative methodology.
Presence and Viability of the Fungus that Causes White-nose Syndrome in Aboveground Rock Formations Used by Bats in Virginia
North American bats are dying from the introduced disease white-nose syndrome (WNS), caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd). The impacts of WNS have primarily been studied on overwintering bats while in hibernation, where conditions are suitable for fungal growth. ...
Tracy, Whitney and Cacace, Alyssa
Presence and Viability of the Fungus that Causes White-nose Syndrome in Aboveground Rock Formations Used by Bats in Virginia
North American bats are dying from the introduced disease white-nose syndrome (WNS), caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans (Pd). The impacts of WNS have primarily been studied on overwintering bats while in hibernation, where conditions are suitable for fungal growth. We mainly studied Eastern small footed bats and big brown bats that are often found to roost in external rock formations, which could potentially be a mechanism for the spread of the fungal disease. We sampled for Pd genetic material in talus slopes and cliff formations in both summer and winter months to determine the conditions and the season that the disease can spread to bats. Genetic material was collected and analyzed from surfaces of rock-roosts and nearby random crevices, guano found in roosts, and from bat skin surfaces, from 2020 to 2024. Presence of Pd DNA was assessed using PCR and gel electrophoresis. Samples that tested positive for Pd were also cultured on agar for 10 days to determine viability. We found positive samples of Pd in roosts used by Eastern Small-footed Bats and Big Brown Bats. Pd was most prevalent in winter samples of swabs, with 14.71% of all tested cliff crevices testing positive only in those months. At talus slopes, Pd was detected in 5.62% of summer guano samples. The fungal disease is present in crevices and therefore could be a surface that is suitable for the growth of spores. This suggests that external rock formations could have a previously unrecognized role in the spread of WNS.
Utilizing Isoflurane as a Potential Field Anesthetic in Raccoon Population in Rockbridge County
This study aimed to evaluate the use of isoflurane as an anesthetic on raccoons (Procyon lotor) using a Moduflex Compact-Field anesthesia machine with a penlon isoflurane vaporizer. ...
Tulupov, Mikhail and Dabu, Cameron
Utilizing Isoflurane as a Potential Field Anesthetic in Raccoon Population in Rockbridge County
Field anesthesia is a common procedure for many research programs that depend upon safe handling, sampling, marking, or vaccinating wild animals. However, many factors influence the efficiency of field anesthetics such as sex, age, and animal size. This study aimed to evaluate the use of isoflurane as an anesthetic on raccoons (Procyon lotor) using a Moduflex Compact-Field anesthesia machine with a penlon isoflurane vaporizer. For my research, I have constructed a novel induction chamber using plexiglass. Sex, age, and body mass index were considered to observe if it has any effects on the induction or recovery times pre- and post-anesthesia. In this study, a 2500L bottle of oxygen was used as a carrier gas for anesthesia purposes.5 raccoons were sedated using a portable anesthesia machine, and signs of stress (i.e. scratching the plexiglass chamber, aggression, and fear) were monitored and recorded. Mean induction and recovery time were calculated as well.
The Global Significance of Fundamental Integrated Circuit Design
In the modern technological landscape, understanding integrated circuit (IC) design at a fundamental level is critical for engineers, policymakers, and global stakeholders. ICs provide a cost-effective, modular approach to circuit design, enabling rapid development of computing systems that power artificial intelligence, defense applications, and consumer electronics....
Van Ness, Nathan
The Global Significance of Fundamental Integrated Circuit Design
In the modern technological landscape, understanding integrated circuit (IC) design at a fundamental level is critical for engineers, policymakers, and global stakeholders. ICs provide a cost-effective, modular approach to circuit design, enabling rapid development of computing systems that power artificial intelligence, defense applications, and consumer electronics. Given the geopolitical significance of semiconductor manufacturing—especially with ongoing tensions surrounding Taiwan and China—the U.S. Department of Defense has shown increasing interest in IC design and domestic fabrication capabilities.
At their core, ICs house logic gates, forming the fundamental structures that drive computational logic. Designing these circuits follows strict engineering principles, akin to architectural planning, where precision and scalability are paramount. To enhance understanding, we developed hands-on learning tools, including 3D-printed models showcasing internal IC structures and PCB demonstrations illustrating logic gate functions.
Recognizing the global and strategic importance of IC design, we organized a seminar aimed at undergraduate STEM majors. Our goal was to provide an accessible, engaging introduction to IC fundamentals, inspiring students to explore elective courses in semiconductor design during their upperclassmen years. By equipping the next generation of engineers with foundational IC knowledge, we contribute to a more robust and secure technological future.
Evaluating the quTools quED System as an Instructional Tool for Quantum Mechanics
This project investigates the functionality of the quTools quantum entanglement demonstrator (quED) as a teaching aid for quantum mechanics....
Van Ness, Nathan and Daigneau, Timothy
Evaluating the quTools quED System as an Instructional Tool for Quantum Mechanics
This project investigates the functionality of the quTools quantum entanglement demonstrator (quED) as a teaching aid for quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanical concepts are notoriously difficult to teach, often requiring complex and expensive experimental setups. The quED system aims to address these challenges by offering an all-in-one, user-friendly, and cost-effective solution for conducting quantum experiments.
To assess its effectiveness, we conducted hands-on experiments with the system, identifying several calibration issues that impacted its usability. Our findings provide insight into the strengths and limitations of the quED system as an instructional tool. This work was carried out as part of our Capstone project, and we present our observations and recommendations for improving its application in educational settings.
Williams, Gabriel, Brinegar, Matthew, Marini, Caroline and McCaffrey, Owen
Chinese shadow puppetry (皮影戏) is on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list, combining not only visual art but also performance into a robust display of Chinese culture....
Williams, Gabriel, Brinegar, Matthew, Marini, Caroline and McCaffrey, Owen
The Story of Nian: A Shadow Puppet Show
Chinese shadow puppetry (皮影戏) is on the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list, combining not only visual art but also performance into a robust display of Chinese culture. These shows often focus on folk stories, bringing the characters to life through colorful displays. This play is no exception, depicting the legend of the monster Nian, who would come every New Year to terrorize the villagers, until he is stopped by a mysterious figure. These characters are displayed in color through a lit screen and are able to thoroughly articulate utilizing their many joints, a core feature of Chinese shadow puppets. Students collaborated throughout the process of constructing the play, both writing the script and developing the project as a whole, a developmental process upon which they will provide a reflection during the presentation. Not only does this play present an opportunity for the audience to learn more about the customs and traditions of the Chinese New Year, but it also provides Cadets an opportunity to showcase their knowledge of Chinese language and culture through an engaging and vibrant medium.