Once your STP application has been received, approved, and processed you will be emailed a confirmation letter that includes payment information and deadlines.
Please be advised that payment for the course(s) must be paid in full by 12:00 pm on Tuesday, June 18. Refer to your confirmation letter (sent to email provided on STP application) for instructions on how to make payment.
The cost of books varies according to the course and instructor, but on the average, the cost for books for the summer program is approximately $150.00. An estimate for weekend meals in Lexington is $50.00 per weekend. Students bringing cars to STP will be required to pay a vehicle registration fee of $40.
These charges must be paid in full by 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18 if you are attending the Summer Transition Program. You are not registered until all fees are paid. After the registration deadline students with unpaid fees will be dropped from class rolls.
Enrollment and payment after the registration deadline will require a late registration fee. The charges can be paid on-line or via telephone with a credit card. MasterCard, VISA, Discovery, and American Express cards are accepted. If a credit card is used a 2.6% convenience fee will be added to the total. Payment can also be made online via Echeck with no additional charge prior to the deadline.
Questions regarding payments can be directed to Student Accounting at 540-464-7213.
Questions regarding VMI Summer Transition Program can be directed to the Summer Session Office.
2025 STP Tuition
- In-State Tuition: $410 per credit hour
- Out-of-State Tuition: $1,250 per credit hour
2025 STP Room and Board
- Room plus 19 Meal Plan (breakfast/lunch/dinner, Mon-Fri & brunch/dinner, Sat-Sun): $1,101
2025 STP Other Fees
- Auxiliary Fee*: $144
- On-post parking fee (per session): $40
- Barracks Security Deposit**: $100
** The auxiliary fee covers medical services and use of athletic facilities. All students attending VMI summer session will be assessed an auxiliary fee.
***The barracks security deposit shall be refunded without interest, less any amount for fines or damages, at the end of the session to all non-VMI cadets. VMI cadet deposits from the regular session will apply to the summer session and are refundable upon graduation or termination of the cadetship.