VMI Theatre

For over 50 years, VMI cadets, faculty, staff, and friends from the Lexington-Rockbridge community have produced more than 180 dramas, comedies, mysteries, revues, and musicals.

VMI theatre cadet drama group members on stage dressed in period costumes

The VMI Theatre
Established in 1970, the VMI Theatre is not an academic major like most college drama groups. It's an extracurricular, voluntary cadet opportunity that depends on the time (there is never enough time), talents (in abundance!), skills, and energies of cadets, VMI faculty and staff, and members of the Lexington-Rockbridge community. Performances take place in the beautiful Leslie Gillis, Jr. '29 Theater, and include a fall show for VMI's Parents/Family weekend, and a major spring production.

The VMI Community Theatre
Established in 2011, the VMI Community Theatre is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit performing group to offer theatrical opportunities to performers and tech-support staff in the VMI-Lexington-Rockbridge area. It produces summer shows and December holiday plays, and shares the Leslie Gillis, Jr., '29 Theater stage with the cadet-based VMI Theatre during the school year. It welcomes cadets and all active thespians who would like to share their talents and creativity with others.

VMI Theatre General Admissions
Adults - $10.00
Students and Senior Citizens (65+) - $5.00
Cadets and Children Age 6 and Under - Free
Reservations are not necessary

Performance Location
The Leslie Gillis, Jr., '29 Theater is located in Marshall Hall, behind The Marshall Museum and Smith Hall on Post. Parking is available on the VMI Parade Ground and in the lot behind the Marshall Museum. The Leslie Gillis, Jr., '29 Theater utilizes over 100 theatre-grade lights, an advanced sound and projection system, a full-size stage, balcony and orchestra levels, a professional sound proofing system to keep outside noises out, and a highly effective communications network for our technical crews. Additional Information: 540-464-7389 or pricetr@vmi.edu.

VMI Theatre actors on stage group photo

VMI cadets and community cast of Tom Jones in costume on stage for VMI Theatre 50 plus 2 celebration