Payment System Maintenance - VMI's payment system will be down for maintenance from Friday, June 28 to Monday, July 1. No payments can be made during this period. More

Signs of Distress

The following indicators can be important signs of distress.

You may notice a cadet exhibiting one or more of the academic, physical, or emotional signs and decide that something is wrong or you may have a "gut-level feeling" that something is amiss. If the latter is the case, don't dismiss your feelings or feel that you need to wait for tangible "proof" that a problem exists. A simple check-in with the cadet may help you get a better sense of his/her situation.

It is possible that any one of these signs, in and of itself, may simply mean that a cadet is having an “off” day. Consider consulting with a colleague, supervisor, the CCC, or other trusted member of the VMI community to share your observations and discuss how you might respond (see "How To Respond")

Academic signs
  • Deterioration in quality/quantity of work
  • A negative change in classroom or research performance (e.g., drop in grades)
  • Missed assignments or exams
  • Repeated absences from class or from lab
  • Disorganized or erratic performance
  • Decline in enthusiasm in class (e.g., no longer choosing a seat in the front of the room)
  • Cadet sends frequent, lengthy, “ranting” or threatening types of emails to professors
  • Continual seeking of special provisions (e.g., late papers, extensions, postponed exams, and projects)
Physical signs
  • Falling asleep in class or other inopportune times
  • A dramatic change in energy level (either direction)
  • Worrisome changes in hygiene or personal appearance
  • Significant changes in weight
  • Frequent state of alcohol intoxication (i.e., bleary-eyed, hung-over, smelling of alcohol)
  • Noticeable cuts, bruises or burns on cadet
Emotional signs
  • Inappropriate emotional outbursts (unprovoked anger or hostility, sobbing)
  • Exaggerated personality traits; more withdrawn or more animated than usual
  • Expressions of hopelessness, fear or worthlessness; themes of suicide, death and dying in papers/projects
  • Direct statements indicating distress, family problems, or other difficulties


VMI: Forging 21st Century Leaders