Religious Services
Many cadets participate in faith communities in and around the Lexington area, and the Chaplain’s Office serves as point of contact to facilitate these relationships.
There are more than a dozen churches in the Lexington area and many of them provide campus ministries. Part of the affiliation with local faith communities includes “adopt-a-rat” programs, which are organized through the individual churches and fellowships. An on-post non-denominational chapel service is held each Sunday evening at 8pm during the academic year, and various faith-based fellowships and meetings take place each week.
During times when significant training occurs off post (such as Field Training Exercises), religious services are provided to cadets at those locations. Other times, special events occur on Post (such as Family Weekend), and religious services normally offered in town are brought to VMI. The Chaplain’s Office also provides opportunities for humanitarian relief trips, conferences, and retreats for various faith groups throughout the course of the academic year.