Festivities include cider pressing, period music and dancing, storytelling, games, and crafts for children of all ages. All demonstrations and activities are free.

VMI retained its high placing among the nation’s best colleges, according to the 2024 Best Colleges Rankings released Sept. 18 by U.S. News and World Report.

Dr. Anne E. Proctor, associate dean for the School of Humanities, Arts, and Education at Roger Williams University (RWU) in Bristol, Rhode Island, will present “Dearly Beloved? Michelangelo’s Funeral and the First Arts Academy in Europe,” at VMI Thurs., Sept. 28 at 7:45 p.m.

Retired Army National Guard Col. Paul Kastner has joined Virginia Military Institute as the new Director of Emergency Management. Kastner has nearly 40 years of experience working in both the military and private sector, most recently served as the chief of emergency response at the Pentagon.

The Virginia Military Institute Board of Visitors began the 2023-24 academic year with a series of meetings providing updates in a number of areas key to the future of the Institute.

A model NATO simulation was held at Virginia Military Institute recently, where 32 cadets spent the day representing the various NATO member countries and solving a problem through negotiations.
The Virginia Military Institute Corps of Cadets honored those who perished in the 9/11 terrorist attacks by climbing 110 stories in barracks, replicating the number of stairs first responders at the World Trade Center climbed during the rescue attempt, and in memory of those who lost their lives.
The George C. Marshall Foundation will host a lecture by U.S. Army strategist, Tom Arnold, on a public relations scandal of World War II on Thursday, Sept. 21, at 5:30 p.m., at their building located on VMI Parade Avenue on Virginia Military Institute post.

Virginia Military Institute’s Omicron Kappa Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, has been named an honor chapter for its outstanding activities in academic year.
Today marked the opening of VMI's 184th academic year as cadets and faculty attended the Academic Convocation in Cameron Hall. Peter Leyden, futurist and tech expert, gave a forward-looking talk titled, "The Transformation of Our World to 2050."