2023-2024: VMI Commissions New Officers - Over 170 Take Oath - VMI News

VMI Commissions New Officers - Over 170 Take Oath

LEXINGTON, Va., May 15, 2024—It was an overcast day, but spirits were bright and hearts were full when more than 170 Virginia Military Institute cadets commissioned into the armed services in Cameron Hall, May 15 in the annual Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) joint commissioning ceremony. The ceremony was livestreamed for family and friends who could not attend the event in person.

Gen. James C. Slife, vice chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force, offered the commissioning officer remarks and administered the oath of office to the cadets beginning their journey of military service in the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy, and Marine Corps.

Maj. Gen. Cedric T. Wins ’85, superintendent, welcomed all in attendance and thanked the ROTC departments, faculty, staff, family members, and guests who supported and encouraged the cadets throughout their time at VMI. He noted that the ceremony is the fulfillment of one of the central purposes of VMI, the preparation and education of citizen-soldiers. 

Maj. Gen. Cedric T. Wins ’85, superintendent, addresses attendees at VMI's joint commissioning ceremony May 2024.After Wins recognized veterans and current military members in the audience and thanked them for their service, he noted that VMI cadets have always moved toward the sound of conflict to serve the nation. “As we speak, danger persists in many parts of the world, including for our NATO allies. We must have a strong military, led by highly educated and skilled officers, men and women of character, dedicated to defending the freedoms that we continue to enjoy. Cadets, you have developed a foundation based on these skills during your years of study at VMI. There is no doubt you have been challenged, but now you are prepared. It is your turn to take these skills grounded in a firm ethical foundation, and put them to good use,” he charged. 

Over 38 years ago, Wins made the decision to commission. “And just like you, I was sworn in as a young officer and became part of a great team of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and service families. You too will come to cherish the same experience,” he stated.

Wins congratulated each cadet on attaining their commission and told them the Institute could not be prouder. “The profession you have chosen will challenge you, but don’t lose focus. Take heart knowing you are following in the footsteps of many alumni that have gone before you to live a life of service to our nation. Our country is fortunate to have citizen-soldiers and leaders like yourselves. Good luck to each of you in the years ahead and please stay in touch.”

Col. Nichole K.A. Scott, commander of Air Force ROTC, introduced Slife. As she began to read all of his educational, professional, and military achievements, awards, and honors, Slife got up from his chair, approached Scott at the lectern, and cut short her recitation by meekly stating, “They don’t care.” Followed by a roar of thunderous applause and laughter from the audience.

Gen. James C. Slife, vice chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force, offered the commissioning officer remarks and administered the oath of office to the cadets beginning their journey of military service in the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Navy, and Marine Corps.When the crowd quieted, Slife confessed that he came prepared with a written speech, but felt the moment called for something different, so he chose to speak extemporaneously. He shared with the cadets three nuggets of advice as they begin their career. “The first one I offer you is to never forget that leadership is a burden to be borne, and not a crown to be worn. Leaders get themselves into trouble when they come to believe that it’s all about the leader, but it’s not. It’s about the led. Those young men and women who choose to serve alongside you.

“Second, leadership is about becoming and not about being.” He quoted Greek philosopher, Aristotle who said, “Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” “It’s all about becoming more excellent on a day to day basis. When you’re faced with a difficult decision or a challenging circumstance, don’t think about what somebody else would do in the situation. That’s unlimited utility. A more important question for you to ask yourself is, ‘if I was a perfect version of myself, what would I do?’ Whatever the answer is to that, do that thing. It’s about becoming a more perfect version of yourself.”

The last piece of advice he offered was to be worthy of the service of those around you. “The thing that makes military service so powerful are the teams that we get to be a part of, doing hard things together with people who you come to love. The worst thing you can do is let down your teammates. Always strive to be worthy of their service.”

He then asked the commissioning cadets to stand and he administered the oath of office.

Cadets commissioning into the Air Force, Marine Corps, Army, and Navy take their oaths in Cameron Hall.

According to Col. Scott Brannon, professor of military science, six cadets who commissioned into the Army stand out as exemplary: Thomas Coble ’24, an economics and business major from Annapolis, Maryland; Benjamin Luke Greer ’24, a psychology major from Mechanicsville, Virginia; Jacob Kleinschuster ’24, an economics and business major from Richmond, Virginia; Paul Murray ’24, an international studies major from Falls Church, Virginia; Kate Taylor ’24, a civil engineering major from Newton, Massachusetts; and Akhil Thadur ’24, a mechanical engineering major from Little Rock, Arkansas. “Kleinschuster executed all aspects of his cadetship, and maximized his order of merit score with an outstanding rating at cadet summer training, which ranked him second in the nation, and he is recipient of the John W. and Jane M. Roberts Award. Taylor balanced her cadetship with academics, corps activities and athletics, and earned the Three-Legged Stool award, and received the Earl L. Valentine Jr. Award. Murray has been a top performer all four years, and also served as regimental executive officer for the Corps this past year. Thadur was the Army ROTC battalion executive officer, and led to make things happen for the AROTC. Greer was this year’s recipient of the Colonel Thomas St. John Arnold Award and Cmdr. H.M. Mason Military Proficiency Award. He and Coble both led the Army ROTC Ranger Challenge team, which competed in the Sandhurst Military Skills Competition at West Point, and earned a bid to compete at Exercise Cambrian Patrol in Wales in the fall,” he said. 

Col. Travis Homiak ’95, commanding officer of Naval ROTC, cited two outstanding cadets entering the Navy. Kieran Weldon ’24, from Woodbridge, Virginia, is a civil engineering major and this year’s recipient of the Chief of Naval Operations Distinguished Midshipman Graduate Award and the Lieutenant Mark R. Wilson Sr. Midshipman Award. “Weldon served as Navy commanding officer during fall semester, and was one of four selected nationwide for Surface Warfare Officer Engineering Duty, and is pursuing dive school. Ulrich Meintjes ’24, a mechanical engineering major from Weston, Texas, has participated in interesting internships throughout his time here including with NASA. He is one out of 23 selected as Naval Postgraduate School Shoemaker Scholar.”

Homiak also named two top performers entering the Marine Corps. Russell Crouch ’24, a modern languages and cultures major from Liberty, Missouri, and Sebastian Ramirez ’24, an applied mathematics major from Ashburn, Virginia. “Crouch served as Marine company commander this past spring, is an NROTC distinguished graduate, and he participated in Project Global Officer to Taiwan. Ramirez served as the Marine company physical training instructor, company gunnery sergeant last fall, Bulldog platoon sergeant this past spring, and the VMI Delta Company commander. He is this year’s recipient of the General Lemuel C. Shepherd Jr. Sixth Marine Division Award and the Chesty Puller Award, First Marine Division,” shared Homiak.

Lt. Col. Cary Wilson, education officer of Air Force ROTC, cited two exceptional cadets entering the Air Force: Abigail Soyars ’24, a modern languages and cultures major from Waynesboro, Virginia, and Jacob Johnston ’24, a computer science major from Bristol, Virginia. “Soyars was the detachment’s spring cadet wing commander. She led the 135-person wing through a challenging semester, and hosted a successful VMI Days, where 195 cadets from 11 colleges and universities received training to prepare them for their summer field training. She and her team exceeded the training objectives and ensured our AFROTC cadets were closer to receiving their commissions after their four years,” said Wilson. Soyars is slated to be an intelligence officer and will attend training at Goodfellow Air Force Base in Texas.

“Johnston has been a top performer in AROTC and has led at various levels. He was a cadet squadron commander responsible for the training, mentoring and development of 50 cadets. He has excelled in his studies all four years while juggling AROTC and NCAA athletics.” He is this year’s recipient of the Charles R. Martin ’55 Award. After graduation, he reports to undergraduate pilot training at Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi. 

According to Command Sgt. Maj. Suzanne Rubenstein, director of cadet activities and VMI liaison for the Coast Guard Auxiliary University Program (AUP), all the USCG cadets have done remarkably well this year. Hannah White ’24, an international studies major from Point of Rocks, Maryland, and one of the original founding members of the AUP, was instrumental in the public relations for the group. 

Slife holds a Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering from Auburn University in Alabama, where he commissioned into the Air Force through the ROTC program. He has spent the bulk of his career in special operations aviation assignments, deploying extensively around the world. Additional degrees he holds include a Master of Aerospace Science, Aeronautics from Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, and a Master of Administrative Science, Organizational Management from The George Washington University, in Washington, D.C. He is the recipient of multiple awards and decorations including the Distinguished Service Medal, the Defense Superior Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Bronze Star Medal with oak leaf cluster, the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters, and the Combat Action Medal. He was named Air Force Special Operations Command Pilot of the Year in 1998, and Major General John R. Alison Special Operations Educator of the Year in 2008.   

Memorial Parade

Family of the late G. Gilmer “Gil” Minor III ’63 and joined Maj. Gen. Cedric T. Wins ’85, superintendent; Tom Watjen, Board of Visitors president; and Col. Adrian T. Bogart III ’81, commandant, in taking review of the parade.Later in the afternoon, under a under a cloudy sky, the Memorial Parade was held, commemorating the bravery and sacrifice of all alumni who died on the field of honor. Reading all 591 names were Emma Cameron ’25, Angelina Garcia ’25, John Kennedy ’25, and Thomas Reagan ’25. A wreath was laid at the foot of the monument, “Virginia Mourning Her Dead,” as well as at the three barracks arches, followed by the firing of a three-volley salute. A stirring echo rendition of “Taps” was played, followed by the Pipe Band leading the Regimental Band in an emotional delivery of “Amazing Grace.” In addition to the traditional ceremony, the late G. Gilmer “Gil” Minor III ’63 was awarded posthumously, the New Market Medal. His widow, Charlotte; daughter, Cameron; and son, Gilmer Minor IV ’93 were present to accept the honor on his behalf, and joined Maj. Gen. Cedric T. Wins ’85, superintendent; Tom Watjen, Board of Visitors president; and Col. Adrian T. Bogart III ’81, commandant, in taking review of the parade as the Corps marched from the Parade Ground down Letcher Avenue toward Barracks.

Marianne Hause
Communications & Marketing