
Virginia Military Institute has been awarded a one-year grant in the category of Capacity-Building of up to $150,000 from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV).

When the Nobel Prize winners were announced recently in Stockholm, Sweden, a cheer went up nearly 7,000 miles away from faculty members at Virginia Military Institute as the world recognized the importance of technology embraced by professors and cadets in classes on post.

Michael Marshall, chief of police at Virginia Military Institute, was recently awarded the Professional Executive Leadership School (PELS) Graduate Leadership Award, recognizing his personal commitment to expanding leadership abilities and demonstrating support and encouragement for others.

The bracing air and tease of snow did not distinguish the blaze of excitement and exuberant mood for the Class of 2026 at Virginia Military Institute Nov. 21 and 22. It was during those two days that the class celebrated Ring Figure, one of the most anticipated events for cadets.

Maj. Christopher N. Shingledecker, assistant professor of chemistry at Virginia Military Institute, is a member of a research team responsible for discovering three new molecules in space.
Amber Smith, former U.S. Army Kiowa helicopter pilot, and author of two books, was named VMI's Leader in Residence, which is an important part of the Center for Leadership and Ethics’ efforts to educate, engage, and inspire cadets, faculty, and staff to develop as leaders.
VMI presented a new strategic plan, “Forging 21st Century Leaders,” as it celebrated the 185th anniversary of its founding, firmly securing in its place as the premier small college in the nation, unequaled in producing educated, honorable, and adaptable citizen-soldiers and leaders.

As the holiday season approaches, festivities are being planned not only on the VMI post, but also at the New Market Battlefield State Historical Park and the Jackson House Museum.

VMI, in collaboration with Virginia Tech, has developed a project called, “CryptoQuest,” which uses cartoon animations and virtual and augmented reality to teach high school and college level students cryptography, post-quantum cryptography, and cybersecurity in a more engaging and interactive way.

This year’s theme was “Leading into the Future,” an extension of the CLE’s academic year theme of “Paradigm Shifts,” and focused on diverse themes of leadership and ethics in modern society, and preparing future college graduates to lead through rapidly changing environments.