In the News

VMI cadet drives vehicle built for Baja SAE competition.

Cadets Harness Skills and Academics for Competition

May 13, 2022

A team of 26 mechanical engineering cadets bring their skills to the Baja Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) vehicle design competition at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville, Tennessee.

Maria Korsnick, president and CEO of Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)

Expert Discusses Essential Role for Nuclear Energy

April 28, 2022

Maria Korsnick, president and CEO of Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) in Washington, D.C., recently visited the Department of Mechanical Engineering and underscored the essential role for nuclear energy.

Cadet Credits VMI Training for Quick Response in an Emergency

January 17, 2022

Excited to see family and loved ones over furlough and take a break from classes, Adam Gild '24 never expected to find himself in the middle of a life-or-death first aid situation on the side of a highway. Gild credits his VMI training for developing the mental fortitude to respond to a man in need.

Jacob Benny ’22 photo overlay above VMI post photo with VMI logo

Cadet Project Could Help with Lunar Return

July 31, 2021

As a high school student, Jacob Benny ’22 had a natural talent for math, and he’d also discovered an interest in physics. But work on a project for NASA before he’d even earned a college degree? That seemed to be an out-of-this-world ambition.

Col. James Squire and Clay Penney '19 look on as their rocket prototype takes off.

Rockets, Research, and Rovers

December 13, 2018

Clay Penney '19 and Col. Jim Squire are launching into a Mars rover competition, building and testing prototypes for Penney's honors thesis.

Col. Mike Krackow and Maj. Joyce Blandino show Jamie Foster ’20 how to lunge forward onto the force plate to measure her muscular electrical impulses in Nichols Engineering Building March 6.

Study Explores Functional Movement

March 22, 2018

Research currently underway in VMI’s biomechanics laboratory could someday be used to prevent falls among the elderly.

A cadet and a researcher work with a block of aluminum.

Cadets Contribute to Defense Development at Aberdeen

September 5, 2017

Several cadets majoring in mechanical engineering have participated this year in projects designed to improve today's military.

Spencer Jefferson ’17 and Philip Jewett ’17 fit the prosthetic leg they constructed as part of their capstone project onto a volunteer subject. – VMI Photo by Kelly Nye.

Research Aims to Provide Affordable Prosthetics

April 24, 2017

A project underway in the mechanical engineering lab at VMI may someday help amputees in developing countries.