Cadets - Career Services - Virginia Military Institute


We provide assistance and resources to all cadets and recent alumni up to one year after graduation.  Cadets wishing to set-up an appointment with a member of our staff can do so by emailing careerservices@vmi.edu or by visiting our office in 311 Carroll Hall.  

Career Services offers several online career resources accessible to cadets 24 hours a day.  If you have questions, stop by our office in 311 Carroll Hall or email us at careerservices@vmi.edu

Handshake is an e-recruiting resource for searching jobs, internships, career fairs, and on-Post employer recruiting visits.  For assistance, review the Handshake Student Help Center for resources to help get the most out of Handshake.

Big Interview is a powerful AI-enhanced  resume and interviewing tool to assist cadets with their internship and job preparation . It’s an entire resume and interview prep system – brought to you by the VMI Career Services to provide you with hands-on experience with resume building and mock interviews tailored specifically to your industry, job, and experience level! It’s not just advice – it’s allowing you to practice online! 

FOCUS 2 is an online, self-guided program that identifies your work values, skills, personality preferences, and natural strengths to help you make decisions about your future career goals. Use the access code "keydet" to sign-up. Focus 2 Overview

CareerShift pulls job board listings from multiple sources (Indeed, ZipRecruiter, LinkedIn, Monster, etc.) to one location. You can use the advanced search options to filter to find positions right for you. CareerShift Overview

VMI Office of Career Services LinkedIn is a Career Networking Group for VMI cadets, alumni, faculty, and staff. The purpose of this group is to provide a supportive environment where members can get direction and support, solve problems, post internships, and learn skills to improve their job search and career.

Finding the right career choice starts during your first year at VMI. The four-year plan is designed for the VMI cadet so you can make the most of your four years as you prepare for your life s career. The plan will help you assess your accomplishments and determine what your next steps should be.

Four Year Plan for Cadets

This guide gives an overview of the graduate school application process, from figuring out your “why” to an application timeline.

Graduate School Considerations

These resources will help you navigate how to network and interview online, as well as tips on how to update your job search:

A well-written cover letter will compliment your resume by discussing your interest in the position and the experiences and skills that qualify you to be considered for the position. An employer may not be able to tell why you are interested in a position from your resume alone, so the cover letter enhances your resume while showing why you are interested and why you are a good fit for the position.

Cover Letter Guide

A resume serves as a brief summary of your qualifications and experiences as they relate to the type of job you are seeking.

For more information on writing a resume, please see our Resume Writing Guide.

Use this checklist to help ensure that your résumé is polished, professional, and ready to share: Résumé Review Checklist

Effective interviews require careful and thorough preparation. This guide will help you know what to expect and how to prepare, increasing the odds that your interview is successful.

Interviewing Guide

It is important to say thank you to the employers, faculty, alumni, and other networking contacts who have assisted you in your internship, career, or graduate school application process. This guide will show you how to send a professional thank you note or email.

Thank You Guide

Behavioral interview questions ask candidates to share examples of particular situations where they had to use certain skills. This guide will assist you in breaking down your answers so you can best articulate your responses.

STAR Guide

LinkedIn can be used to network, build your online reputation, and search for jobs. A LinkedIn Profile includes descriptions of your internship, volunteer, and work experiences, like an online resume. Your LinkedIn Profile will also include information about your skills and education.

LinkedIn Profile Essentials 2020

There are several opportunities to network during your cadetship at VMI. Attending a networking event is an excellent way to meet new connections and begin preparing for your job search. We’ve created this guide to give you an idea of what you can do to get the most out of attending a networking event.

Preparing for Networking Events

This presentation covers how to effectively evaluate, negotiate, accept, and decline a job offer.

Job Offer Presentation