Academic Appeals

Academic Appeals

Guidelines (Applicable to all appeals)

  • Each cadet may submit one appeal over his or her cadetship. Additional appeals will not be considered by CAA without approval of the Dean.
  • The Dean or the Chair of the CAA, in consultation with the Registrar or Department Head of the cadet's major, may deny an appeal that is judged to be frivolous without forwarding it to the full committee for review and voting.
  • Appeals will not be reviewed by the CAA between June 1 and July 31st.
  • All appeals must include a recommendation letter from the cadet's academic adviser or the department head of the cadet's major in order to be considered by the CAA.

Suspension and Probation Appeals

Completed applications for appeals to waive an academic suspension for a new semester must be received by the Registrar at least seven business days before the start of classes. This means that all transfer credit must be available to the Registrar prior to this deadline to determine a returning cadet's status.

Appeals to waive academic probation will not be considered unless they result from academic work not completed for medical reasons.

Overload Appeals

Completed applications for course overloads must be received by the Registrar at least seven business days before the start of classes for fall or spring semester.


All requests for exceptions to the institutional academic regulations must include the following information before being considered:

  • A typewritten appeal from the cadet outlining academic policy for which the waiver is sought. View the Guidelines for Academic Appeals for more information and to access an appeal form online.
  • Full description of the extenuating circumstances which warrant a review of and exception to the stated academic policy.
  • Current Address, Phone Number and Email Address, Class Year and Major
  • All supporting documentation, including transcripts, final grades and required departmental recommendations.

The appeal must be submitted through a cadet’s department head. Additionally, it must include a statement from the respective department head or academic advisor. This statement may be included with the appeal, or may be sent directly to Col. Gatliff, Registrar via mail or email at Please note: Appeals will NOT be heard by the CAA until all supporting documentation is received.


Requests for CAA action, with supporting documentation and statements, should be sent to:

303 Shell Hall
Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: 540-464-7192


Allow for one week response time once a completed petition request is submitted. The committee will not consider appeals that are incomplete or lack all required supporting information. Please see above stated deadlines regarding overload appeals, appeals to academic suspensions and summer restrictions.