Summer Session
VMI Summer Session facilitates cadet progression toward degree completion by offering courses for academic credit during the summer.
Summer Session at VMI provides the opportunity for cadets to meet curricular, scholarship, athletic, or readmission standards, by allowing them to earn credit for subjects in which they stand deficient or by receiving credit for courses in advance of their class. Summer study allows cadets to broaden their education by earning a double major or minor and facilitates transfer from one curriculum to another.
VMI cadets, graduates of accredited secondary schools, and students in good standing at other colleges may attend. High school students who have been promoted to the twelfth grade and have the written approval of their principal are also eligible to attend.
Registration for the 2025 Summer Session will open mid-late spring 2025.
2025 Summer Session Dates
Summer Session I: May 20 - June 21
- Classes Begin: May 20
- Memorial Day - NO CLASSES: May 26
- Last day to withdraw with "W": June 10
- Last day to withdraw with a "W" or "WF": June 13
- Juneteenth - NO CLASSES: June 19
- Classes End: June 18
- Final Examinations: June 20-21**
** Please note that 21 June is a Saturday
Summer Session II: June 24 - July 26
- Classes Begin: June 24
- Independence Day - NO CLASSES: July 4
- Last day to withdraw with a "W": July 15
- Last day to withdraw with a "W" or "WF": July 18
- Classes End: July 23
- Final Examinations: July 24-25